

Your smile is healing me
The day the sun burst through the clouds you smiled at me.
Letting me know that life could be beautiful again.
That day I don't know which was brighter the sun or your smile.
I could testify to God that your smile surely is divine.
Your laughter is like a heavenly Orchestra composed of the most eloquent Melody.

I am in awe of you when you smile.
Your smile brought me joy.
Your smile brouhgt me peace.
Your smile healed me in that moment I was free

Sunshine my whole world changed when you smiled.
If life is but a dream. Then let me keep dreaming.
If music smoothes the savage, Then this the music in your smile in your voice has
brought me complete blist.
Is there love at first sight I dare not say.
Is there hope for a fool like me.
Oh Lord I pray.

© Brelijah47