

I was there
one week before this boy came up missing I went with this guy Arthur JTyrell I do not want to go with him at first I wanted to stay in school to be with Christine I was in third grade at the time my mom said it would be good for me to go with him the school recommended being ideal for me to get away from a while so I went when I got to New York City with this guy Arthur he asked his boy if he can show him how to get to the school because his son is new at the school the boy went to get in the car I told the boy run he's going to kidnap and kill you the boy turned around I jumped out of the car run with the boy hoping that I can get help for me to get away from this guy even though my parents gave consent for me to be with him the boy stopped I went to give him a push the boy's mother pushed me down and said you're not going to kidnap my son Arthur pick me up and slammed me on the trunk of the car started beating on me threw me in the backseat of the car took me to his home he took me down naked and beat me to our black and blue can you put me up on his boat tied me up with my hands and feet behind me together then he did something with a cough and put over my face I clocked out in the next day when I woke up he said we're going to go do this again and you ain't want to screw this one so it went back down to New York City this blonde had a little boy 10 years old he falls over and ask him if he can keep his son in his seat the voice is sure got in the car I shook my head no as he was getting in but he got in anyways on the way going down the hill I lean forward and I said to Arthur can't do this this is not right you've got to let him go or to look at me get back to the road the boy beach in front of me probably back you stay holding on my stomach to keep me in my seat we started to turn the wrong way your boy jumped forward and point that way to school and arson oh no I got to go be in the back of part of the school because my boys are real bad bad boys and they told me I had to take him in the back then when we got to the turnpike the guard goes you came through here with one boy I got to make a phone call Arthur slept a car and driving raps on the gas pedal drives off cop caught up with us Arthur pulled over the cop walked up to the window and says the boys look fine you can go so Arthur drove back to his house with both of us boys in the car Arthur told me to pile the wood so I did while I was doing that Arthur had the boy by his wrist hold him down to the basement I heard I've got the wood done then I went down to the basement the boy was tied naked to a chair Mercer told me to watch him he went someplace with the boys clothes so I tried to untie The boy so that I can help him escape then Arthur grab me by my neck choking me the boy shook his head are to let loose so I could breathe I said I'm going to tell I'm going to tell so he choked me harder the boy girl she's trying to say something to arson let's lose I said I will not tell Arthur took me home I told my parents right in front of him what he did cuz they want to know why I was all black and blue Arthur choke me in front of them they did had all they could do to fight him off of me then usher left my brother Gordon just disappeared at the same time the next day I said came to get me my mom was not going to let me go but Arthur would not give up so my mom gave in to him I went we went back down to New York City to a construction area no high buildings Arthur told me to wait in the car he went to the trunk of the car got my favorite blanket out of the trunk of the car that he had of mine he walked down into the building I got out of the car to follow him in a lady yelled out get back in that car I said let him go his phone his father down in so I got down in there I saw him push my blanket down inside of a wall it was an Indian blanket a man coming along until both of us to get out of here arsen told the man that his son ran down here and put his hand print into the wall he was moving it off the man said I don't care the wall would not stay up get out of here look like a square window and the body was just below it in my favorite blanket and it took me back home a week went by and my brother Gordon asked me if I would go with him we'll walk at first I did not want to but mom told me it'd be good for me too so I did we went to Arthur's house in the back way in through the woods Gordon was in front of me I heard something in the basement so I slipped off from my brother I opened the basement door and I saw the boy that's in the picture on this site and first of all I tried to run for me but then he stopped he ran up to me and hug me said will you help me will you help me so you can be quiet so you won't hear me here Arthur grab me by my neck and threw me around the corner slam me up against the wall choking me my brother said that's my brother put your hands up and I said wouldn't Gordon attacked him I grabbed the boy for his hand she and the other boy that was used to kidnap him with ran down the hill through the woods my brother Gordon caught up with me he took the boy from me he started up the hill with him I said we can't help him be going the wrong way with him going to start taking the boys clothes off Arthur shows up I should say that's my property don't touch him Gordon Arthur whispered back and forth according took me home then he disappeared again the next day Arthur come to my home to see if I would go with him I was not going to but I wanted to know what he did with the boy so I went with him when I got you it is home Arthur asking me if I told on him I said no because the last time they did not listen to me why would they listen now being listening then arson said he put the boys body inside a barrel down in New York City and that was the last I've heard of it until I was 16 years old bye Michael moughan and the reason why he spoke to me is because the blonde boy the 10-year-old boy was his nephew I told him everything why nothing was done it's because Michael abused me.