

Hail! long live the Queen! ch3
Queen Kehlani hurried to the Great Hall, her lady-in-waiting finding hard to keep up with her.
She had just been summoned by the King's Council. it was impromptu and she had no chance to change to look her best before them or even prepare her mind. she had never met them and she was a young Queen and she could easily be disposed of and a new Queen would be reinstated by the snap of their fingers.
They arrived at the mahogany doors of the Great Hall and Kehlani came to an abrupt halt, breathing heavily.

"Go in, My lady" Sara smiled, urging her in. partly trying to ease her nervousness "you look terrified...they don't bite... well technically they do...because they are vampires and....I'll stop rambling now" she saw the uncomfortable look spread across Kehlani's face.

"What if they don't like me?" she breathe, tugging at a seam on her dress

"like you? that's an understatement my Lady. They should fear you...you're the second most powerful in the land...they can't touch you"

"I bet you told the first Queen that too when she was summoned" she arched an eyebrow.

"The first Queen isn't you... you're different" she shook her head "you're the first of your kind. the king's council is like an untamed lion when you tame it and make it confirm to your rules and let it recognize your power...you're just prey to it"

"let's hope you're right that they don't bite" she gave her a small smile before walking into the Great Hall.

The Great Hall was a huge round room, with high walls and a faint chandelier hanging comfortable in the middle. There was a smooth round table with twelve regal chairs ranging in sizes around it and seated on the biggest of the chairs was Her husband the King and the smaller chairs were occupied by unfamiliar vampires; male and female. their pale grey eyes scrutinizing her very existence. Kehlani resisted the urge to roll her eyes at what Sara said about them fearing her,

Boy! how wrong she was!

"Queen Kehlani, First of her kind, second Queen to the King...why have you not take. your place next to the King?" The Vampire sitting next to the King spoke first.

"Do you feel too proud to support the King at the Great table?" two of them spoke at the same time, scaring her.

"I'm sorry?" she frowned.

"Order!" the king's voice silenced them. "The Queen had a minor accident a few days ago and she is still recovering and I do not understand why you went against my orders not to summon her"

"I believe she can speak for herself? but no matter. you were summoned here for you to clarify the rumor going on around town about The Queen having a lover and a child outside the palace walls"

"Excuse me?" The King roared.

© Tolu2020