

The Last Nephilim Part 2
"I know you would have never left Adam as a baby unless you were forced. Now Adam as an adult? Hell I think of leaving him multiple times a day." Gabriel laughed at Jessie's joke and patted her forearm.
"I wasn't fully alive when I was taken from him. I was just a husk walking around." Mom looked into my eyes and smiled. "Now I'm revived and living again. My baby boy." Gabriel gave me a wet from tears kiss on my cheek.
"Ms. Sprague do you like to bake?" Jessie asked suddenly.
"I've never tried and please just call me Gabriel." Mom was confused by the out-of-leftfield question.
"Well you're about to bake for the first time right now." Jessie dragged the archangel into the kitchen to teach her how to bake.

Chapter 4
Hell was not hot. The permanent residents would give anything and everything for Hell to be hot. If Lucifer's Father had made Hell's climate more like a tropical island then it wouldn't be punishment.
"What's bothering you now?" the beautiful naked woman in his bed asked sleepily.
"S.S.D.D." Lucifer gave the woman his go to answer whenever she asked him that same question. Same shit different day.
"Want to go torture someone famous?" She asked as she stood and stretched her beautiful lithe body.
"Not this time." The devil closes his eyes when he feels her breasts and hard nipples press into his back. "It's time my nephew came for a visit."
"The Nephilim?" the nude woman asked with excitement.
Lucifer just nodded. The vision he'd had while sleeping was why he was awake now. The vision showed him what would happen if he moved his nephew to Hell permanently. The result turned him on almost more than the beautiful woman.
"Prepare yourself to go topside baby." he gave a wicked self satisfying grin. " Tomorrow you will hunt down the world's last Nephilum. After that we take Heaven as our new home." At this news the woman raked her nails across the muscles of his chest in excitement.

Chapter 5

I sat on my old leather sofa,

my best friend Jessie nagged

me constantly to take it to the

dump but I love it too much.

The TV was on playing some

action movie but I hadn't been

really watching it since I

turned the TV on several

hours ago. I just sat there

thinking about all that had

happened in less than a 24


I had been taken to Heaven,

although I wasn't allowed into

the main part of God's

perfect Kingdom. I finally

came face to face with the

angel I've hated for almost my

entire life, Michael the leader

of the archangels. I met my

uncle, who I never knew I had,

an archangel named Azrael.

"Do I have anymore family

in Heaven?" I suddenly

thought to myself.

I quickly pulled my smart

phone from my front jeans

pocket and texted the newly

added contact, my mom.

Me: Do I have anymore

family in Heaven I don't know


Gabriel: As a matter of

fact yes you do.

Gabriel: You have an aunt.

My sister. Azazel.

Me: Auntie Azazel?

Gabriel: LOL!!! You just

made me spit-take my tea

all over your uncle. Please, I

beg you, call her that when

you first meet her.

Me: I feel like you're

setting me up for trouble.

You know it's kinda weird

that you use proper

punctuation in an informal

text message.

Gabriel: I'm not setting

you up sweetie. She'll know

I'm behind you calling her

Aunty Azazel. I just REALLY

REALLY want to see the look

on her face when you do.

Gabriel: I have been told

that before. It's just a

habit. As far as habits go,

it's pretty tame and safe.

Jessie: I'll be pulling in in


Jessie: Now

As soon as I got through

reading Jessie's text, the

bright yellow/white lights of

a car's headlights shined

through my front living room


Me: I gotta go mom. My

best friend Jessie just

pulled up. Love you and see

you tomorrow.

Gabriel: Love you too baby.

Me: Btw one day you're

going to have to tell me how

you get such good cell phone

reception in Heaven.

The front door opened and

Jessie walked in like she

owned the house and not me.

"I honestly don't think you

know how to knock." I told the

pretty 39 year old woman

after she had fallen into my

recliner. My tone was in

obvious mock annoyance.

"I know how to knock, I just

don't like or respect you

enough to actually waste that

tiny bit of energy." Jessie

fired back without hesitation.

I smiled at her as she pulled

the foot rest up and reclined

back as far as the recliner

allowed. Jessie and I always

gave each other a hard time,

but it was all with a good

nature's intent. If either one

of us was serious with the

other for more than 30

minutes, the other knew

something was wrong.

"To what do I owe this soon

to come migraine?" I asked,

then took a sip of my coffee. I

made sure to make

unnecessarily loud slurping

noises since I knew it got on

her nerves.

"I had a date tonight." Her

response came out as a growl.

" My deductive reasoning

talents are tells me that it

went badly." I stated the

obvious that even the thickest

of morons would've been able

to deduce.

Jessie shook her head. "Nah

not at all. Well if you think a

guy trying to make out with

you in the five minutes of

the FIRST date, then

trying to cop a feel, as a good

thing. If that's what you think

of as a good date then it was

fabulous." Jessie sighed in

frustration. " This mother

fu..." Jessie didn't finish what

she was saying.

"Adam!" Gabriel yelled,

suddenly appearing right in

in front of Jessie. Gabriel's back

was to Jessie but she knew

she was behind her, she just

didn't care about secrecy

right then.

I was vaguely aware of what

was going on in my living room

but I couldn't focus on

anything but the anger and the

scenes I was seeing right

then. Somehow I was seeing

everything that had happened

during Jessie's date and I was

seeing it through Jessie's


The vision ended after

Jessie knocked the guy on his

ass with a vicious right cross to

the creep's jaw. At least one

the tooth was knocked out.

"Who the fuck are you and

how did you just pop in here

like from one of those Trek

Wars movies." Jessie had shot

out of the recliner but had

stumbled and fell on her ass

due to her complete shock and

her immense fear.

"Adam? Sweetie?" Gabriel

asked in a very concerned,

borderline fearful, and

motherly tone. "I'm going to

need you to calm down. Sooner

rather than later."

" What in God's name is

happening?" Jessie screamed.

" What were you two talking

about just before he became

like this?" Gabriel spun on

Jessie so fast, Jessie fell

back on her ass after she had

just gotten back to her feet.

© Adam Guy Sprague