

Reading Minds
We were racing through the city roads at night with heavy rain pouring on us. I did not know who the girl riding my bike right now was running from, but her mind was a mess. She had so many thoughts , it was as if the consciousness of her actions was blurred under the clouds of fear and panic.

Then I heard a police siren ringing in the far end of the road we were riding on. Hearing it, the girl increased the speed and took a sharp turn into an unknown locality.

" Are you running away from the police ?" I asked.
She did not say anything in response.
" I am asking , are we running away from the police ? " again, no response.


" How do you know my name ?" she asked , shiver in her voice.
" That's not the point. Tell me, what are we running away from ?" I stared at her through the front mirror of my bike, her helmet made it difficult to see her expressions but I triedy best to show her my dangerous stare.

Suddenly, in the far right of my vision, I saw a Black car speeding away.
" Follow that car" I commanded Daisy.
" Why ?" she asked.
" Don't ask questions, be fast !" I shouted , seeing the car taking a turn away from my site.
" Okay, then let's do a deal. You won't ask me whom I am running from and I won't ask you why you are following an unknown black car , deal ?" she asked.
" Deal" I answered not wanting to waste a minute.

She raced through the streets, water droplets of the rain hitting my eyes and blurring my vision but I was too keen on seeing what car it was. When we approached the car, I saw its model and it was the same black sedan I saw in the footage. Luck was by my side today...( with a smirk, lol)

We followed the car, taking turns and speeding in between vehicles. People were shouting but we paid no attention.
The car finally came to a hault, in th middle of a road. We too stopped with the car.
A man came out of it and stared right at us.
" Why are you following us ?" He asked. His face literally said danger and his expressions made me want to hide.
He then put his hand in his jeans and took out. a black metallic cylinder that shooted small conical metal blocks which can stop someone's heart beats in seconds, yes it was a gun.

" I won't ask again, why were you following us ?" he held the gun right at us.
That's how I ended up in front of gun holders again.

To be continued.....

Good to back after a looooong time !

© Frozen Words