

From Darkness to Dawn: Embracing Life's Lessons.

|| 11:00am||
|| 6th March 2024 ||

When I woke up this morning...memories flooded back from a year ago!!! I couldn't help but feel nostalgic as I recalled how beautifully things fell into place in my life when I joined the District hospital...!!My uncle dropped me off at the hospital and left for home...

I found myself amidst unfamiliar faces...surrounded by a crowd for the first time, away from my college mates...!! Initially I felt overwhelmed and scared being alone among strangers... However my white apron and stethoscope became my source of strength..accompanying me through it all. <3

My first posting was in the orthopedic department...!! When I entered, seeing so many patients left me speechless :p I couldn't comprehend how things were going to unfold... Dealing with over 500 patients from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm within such a short time frame was indeed a challenging task.

There I had my first encounter with Dr. Anil..!!!
Right from day one..he guided me through everything...explaining the intricacies of the job and what needed to be done...!! He made everything clear for me. By 2:30 pm when we finished seeing patients...I returned to my room...!!

The next day, the same routine repeated itself :
Arriving at the hospital on time..
Dealing with Seniors..
Dealing with Patients..
Having some fun with friends...
And then...
Heading back home <3

At that time..
Life was in a completely in different zone..All my fear transformed into an excitement...Hesitation in talking to unknown people began to fade away.!! I gained a new level of confidence.. It was the first time I stepped out of my comfort zone and did something meaningful.!!

Just a month after joining the hospital, it was my birthday...and it turned out to be the most special one of my life!!!! I received numerous surprises, and I owe a special thanks to Dr. Navin for organizing so much for me...It was totally unexpected...!!! He arranged sweets for the entire hospital..and trust me..it was absolutely insane! 😄

As time passed..things continued to unfold in a similar manner..!! It was a phase of my life where I experienced many things for the first time...
Hanging out with friends..
Unlimited shopping sprees..
Visiting restaurants..
Going on bike rides..
And many more activities became part of my routine...
Dr. Shabana and Dr. Vandana were my partners in crime throughout this journey..!!

I began to notice small changes within myself :
The joy of living an unfiltered lifestyle..
Tactics to turn my weaknesses into strengths..
And even shedding the so called introvert tag...!!
Also I realized that I am sensitive..But only when it comes to my belongings..!! 🌚

Then came a time when I had to leave behind my bani banai duniya and return to our city due to family responsibilities..

I still can't forget my last day...
After hospital duty..Dr. Avinash asked his friends to take me to a special place...Mood ni tha bilkul..and I wasn't sure what it was or how it would be...
Nevertheless...we set out.!!
After a few hours of traveling..we arrived at our destination...!!
I couldn't believe that my friends would take me to such a place..!! I was shocked to see a beautiful temple there...radiating positive vibes...In a small town I never imagined such beauty could exist...I was deeply moved by the experience.💜

I also realized that when it comes to friends...I am fortunate and BLESSED..!! I often come across good people...Whatever my experience was there, it has transformed me into a better person.!! There only my journey of self-improvement began..learning to handle things independently...Dr. Raj Bhaiya's words still motivate me..!!

PS :
We should treat each day as a new beginning...We should appreciate the presence of our people in our lives...
Life is not just about earning...
It's about living...
Experiencing new things..
Learning different skills..
And improving every day...
Every moment we live never comes back..So why waste it?
We are all blessed...even though sometimes life may seem dark and we may feel left behind...!! We wonder why we are stuck while everyone else moves forward...!! I've had those days too...
But then I realized, at the end of every dark tunnel, there's light...There's a sunrise, OUR SUCCESS..!! Our hard work tests our patience...
How we handle negative situations positively matters the most...!!
My experience at my workplace with new people has taught me a lot...
I know you all have similar experiences...!!
Try to analyze what they've taught you and the changes they've brought into your life..and try implementing those lessons..!!


© @elatedsoul512