

Will We Survive??!! ( Part 4 )
On the other hand, the whole area is teeming with zombies. Tying up Pallava, scientists are trying to experiment with his blood sample. Unfortunately, Pallava bit some of the scientists, and the zombie infection spread in the science lab. The police officer locked the lab because the scientists had turned into zombies.

Adarsh, who is the head of the police department, called the most educated scientist, Prabhu.
Adarsh: You must know we have a zombie apocalypse here. Do you know how it happened? Or how to make an antidote?
Prabhu: Actually, all of this happened because of me.
Adarsh: What?!
Prabhu: I wanted to make weak people very strong. Weak people always lose against strong people. So I secretly started doing my experiment on a raccoon at Aacharya Prafulla Chandra College, where I used to teach Science. My daughter was always abused by the boys in her class. I told the principal many times, but they did not take any action. Because of that, my daughter committed suicide. I didn't want other weak people to suffer like my daughter. But the raccoon ran away before the experiment was complete. I couldn't find it anywhere in the college, so I thought it must have gone to my house since it had run away from the college to my house once before. I couldn't have imagined that it would happen so quickly.

Adarsh: I understand your words and your emotions, but how could a person do that?! Do you know what the situation is in our area?! I will arrest you, come with us!

Sarthok (Meena's father): Acharya Prafulla Chandra College?! My daughter also studies at that college, and she went there today. But sir, the antidote needs to be made first, otherwise, everyone will become a zombie. I have to save my daughter Meena and Rahul. I promised Rahul's father that I would save him under any condition!

Adarsh: Tell me, Prabhu, where is that antidote?!
Prabhu: There is a diary in the hall room of that college where everything is written.
But I'm not sure if it will help us or not cause I didn't apply that antidote to the raccoon.

Adarsh: We have no choice, we should bring that dairy.

Sarthok: Sir, let me go there. I have to save my daughter Meena and Rahul.
Adarsh: No, Sarthok. You have to protect the Prime Minister from here. You are a properly trained police officer, so I entrust you with this huge responsibility. Deep, come here.
Deep: Yes, sir.
Adarsh: Go to that college, bring that diary, and save the people inside the college.
Deep: Okay, sir!
Sarthok: Sir, let me go to the college, please sir, please!
Adarsh: Don't you trust Officer Deep? You know he is also a trained police officer. Trust me, everything will be fine.
Sarthok: But sir...
Adarsh: It's my order!!

Prabhu: I'm thirsty! I want blood!!

Adarsh, Sarthok, and Deep heard this and realized that Prabhu would turn from a human to a zombie. They quickly threw Prabhu through the window.

Is the college name and the theme I choose ok? cause I don't know any science college name 😅
I think for the experiment deer is not suitable so I edited it and wrote " a raccoon"
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