

To My Daughter

I never knew true love until i met you; words can't express how i truly feel. Know that having you were the best change in mommy life. Choosing you won't be an option if i were to be given this life over and over again.

You're my night Sky; my daydream, my black beatle, my royal princess; and so i speak life into my love potion.

Greeting ancestor with this love potion. I come in peace, harmony, and good vibration. I use this love potion to declare Wealth, success, strength, joy, happiness, good health, wisdom, knowledge of self, inner and outer standing and most of all unconditional love. May the source be with you always my night SKY.

I know people are surprised about the certain change i have made over the past year, it's not their to understand. I am following my path and in doing so i am ready to disappoint some people on the way or lose some. The question is rather i made the right decision or not that's not mines to dwell on, i will carry that cross because i had my fair share of putting people need before self. I chose me and the best part of this journey is "You" my night SKY.

My advice to you is always take care of you first. In whatever you do "Do Your Best" and leave the rest to the universe. Listen to your gut if it makes you happy take the lesson.

Your Mother
The univerese and Me.

Luve Kabba
© Lucy Luve