

A Walk With A Friend.

Take a stroll with me this afternoon, let's have a pep-talk.
Commencing the discussion...

Imagine you never woke up from that bed. Imagine seeing yourself in an unknown world. Imagine; in this world, principles are distinct from other places you've ever been to.

Think of how unprepared you are; what if death comes to snath its possession.
What if you never had the chance to repent.
What if your life was all messed up. What if you never had that opportunity to rewrite wrongdoings.
Have you ever wondered how it looks like, how death acts?
Haven't you experience how sudden its ways are? Do you think you can get it right thereafter?

Let's have a sit, here under this shady tree.
Let me explain to you a few things.
Death is inevitable; it stops not for any man.
Therein, if your time is up, you are gone. Never to show face on this earth. It doesn't come slow; don't think you can get it right in the interim of the delay. Swiftly it comes, snatches what belongs to it.

Oh, my dear brethren, how enjoyable it will be to be called upon; whereafter, you find yourself amongst known people, known style(s), known practice(s). How lovely it is for one to see thy self amidst followers, and believers of thy practice.
If your time is now, how prepared are you?
Have you ever thought about when and how it will happen? Maybe when sleeping, when travelling, when dancing, when laughing, when you are with him/her, even when strolling with me now.
Don't miss out life-after.
Now is the time to get it right; this minute, right now, you can get it right.
Let us pray!

Most Gracious and forgiving father,
We accept with regret that we have sinned and fallen short of thy glory. We do our actions willingly, some unwilling, with no cause to refrain. Have mercy, oh, thou great and loving God. Forgive us oh Lord, and let not thy anger descend on us.
Lord, we ought to know better and act better, but we do not so because we lack thy spirit. Fill us Lord, and let not thy spirit depart from us ever.

Let our lives manifest Thee always. Teach us thy ways and strength us to keep-on-track with thy work, oh Lord of all.
We accept solely that you sent your one and only cherished son to die in place of us. For if it wasn't for Him, life would have been worst than it is now. That blood; which was shed on Calvary for our transgression, spill for our foolish ways, may it speak on our behalf. Because you love us, you did sacrifice for us-- your only son. We accept He died for us and through Him we are saved. Leave not our names out from thy Book-Of-Life, but write-off all wrongdoings and open up a clean page for our names.
Oh Lord, we bear not die of sin, nor die in sin. Help us, Lord.

We wish not to die and end in eternal fire, but to dine on that banquet table you spoke of in Thy word.

Heal us of sickness and mental-instability and all other cause that wavers our faith.
Guide, keep and strengthen us in thy way. All this we ask through your son Jesus.


Thank you in no small way for the stroll. I am grateful. I trust this time spent together with you was a life-changing one.

Have a wonderful Sunday all.

Keep in mind, death waits not for thee, but act swiftly so long it is thy time.
© Dfonjah