

The predictions and earthquake
Today I would like to share you all the predictions and earthquakes

In here it's 2024 now and world is suffering from landslides, float, and more. Today in Bhutan float appeared in the Thimphu city (capital of Bhutan)
It was so strong as it flow away 3 people a woman and 2 child, but luckily they were saved by a man. The float causes damages to human properties. The float in Bhutan also flowed away a shop and small houses in the roads. There were also three drinkers around the shop and they luckily survived. Date:10/8/2024.
In Japan a earthquake appeared, it was as strong as it was magnitude 7.1.
The earthquake last almost 50 seconds.
The earthquake appeared in not Peninsula in first January 2024.
These are one of the latest news.

further more, In 2025 it is predicted that the extinction of species will occur too.
According to baba bangs it is predicted that Erope will face horrifying Consequenses due to explosion and more.

In 2030 it is predicted by an honorific that there is chances of world war three.

Friends if you have any news of 2024 Tsunamis about your country , you can share.

Thank you!