

AND SO IT BEGINS... Case File: COV19
The philosophy of a mistake post consequences

Trying to escape judgment
Is like trying to beat the common cold
She was code named Corona
Her First jab is testing
Her second jab is affliction
Her Third jab is Triumphant

With the will of fire
With the ease of water
To be as free as air
One individual becomes the sole survivor
enough to ground the memories of the youthful at thoughts
and the young at heart

Who am i but to awe and stare
at an awakening in real-time although late
Better to be late than absent

Once upon time the grass was greener on the other side
Taking in loss and giving out hope with
terms & conditions applied
To withhold the few to let loose the many
As times changed for the omens
We become destitute of the franchise to a salvation
We've begun to stampede from grace to grass
© Tђє ⓞrเginɑl🩸