

Forced marriage turned out to my lucky marriage (part:5)
Luna couldn't sleep at night because Adrian's injury seemed so deep. So she goes to Adrian's room to check on him.

Luna finds Adrien sleeping. She slowly goes near him and puts the blanket carefully on Adrian so that he does not feel cold.

As Luna goes to leave room, Adrian suddenly grabs Luna's hand in his sleep. Luna gets shocked for a while and she goes to explain to Adrian.

Luna: I...

Adrian: ( in sleep ) Don't Go !!! (makes a crying face in his sleep) I am scared .

Hearing Adrian saying all this in his sleep, Luna gets lost in thought and she sits with Adrian till 4am in the morning.

In the morning a call came from Adrian's grandfather. And his grandfather has invited Luna and Adrian to his house for lunch.

Adrian tells this to Luna in the morning. And both of them went to get ready to leave.

By 11 o'clock they reached Adrian's grandfather's house. Grandfather was very happy to see both of them and welcomed Adrian and Luna home with a big smile.

Adrian goes straight into a room and there was a photo kept there. He took that photo in his hand. And rubbed that photo with his fingers.

And after seeing this photo, tears fell from Adrian's face. Luna came into the room and seeing Adrian crying, she asked, "What happened? Are you okay?"

Immediately Adrien wiped away his tears and showed Luna his face full of smiles.

Adrien: I'm fine.. ( smiles)

It was lunch time and Luna and Adrian sat down to eat. Gave Adrian a cup of peanut soup. Then his grandfather refused to give Adrian soup with peanuts in it.

Luna asked Grandpa, "Why don't you want to give this soup to Adrian?"

Adrian's grandfather: (laughs) This boy is allergic to peanuts since a young age.

Luna is shocked and remembers last night where she had put peanuts in the soup she made for Adrian. She immediately looked at Adrian with a worried face.

Adrian did not make eye contact with Luna. And he continued to eat his food.

After having dinner, Adrian is sitting outside in the garden. Luna came to him and asked, "if you are allergic to peanuts then why did you eat the soup I made last night?"

Adrian: (smiling) There is no need to panic. I am fine.

next day...

Luna is taking bath... And Adrian came into Luna's room. When he saw that Luna was not in the room, while going back, his eyes fell on a photo and diary which he could not believe.

To be continued

© siyu_story