




In a small town, there lived an ordinary middle-class family. An elderly man, his wife, and two sons. They had a farm, a small piece of land that barely met with their daily requirements of food .

Then the elder son was married, and to meet the expenses, a chunk from that land had to be sold off. Now, with less land and an extra mouth to feed, they worked very hard to meet the daily expenses.

In the meantime, the young wife was pregnant, which, though mixed with joy, was a matter of concern ! So the younger son decided to go to a nearby city or town and search for a living, which would bring in extra income for the family's need. He left for greener pastures but was struggling to two ends meet.

The elder brother's wife delivered a cute young boy, whom the grandparents lovingly named Krishan. Both the grandparents took care of Krishan. They fed him, sang " lories," taught him to walk, to talk, and told him stories of the real God Krishna. As Krishan grew up, he adopted many qualities of God, the Bhagwan, his grandparents spoke to him about. When Krishan was 6, he started school. One grandparent would drop him, and one would pick him up. On the way, Krishan wanted to hear more and more stories.
Once in a way, his own mother would drop him to school. That day was a boring day; for his mother
would tell Krishan some modern-day stories, which he rarely enjoyed. His uncle was still struggling to get a good job and couldn't help the family.
In the meantime, Krishan's mother was again pregnant. Now she hardly did any housework. The elderly grandmother was forced to do it all. Now, only Grandpa would take Krishan to school; this made him unhappy. He loved to hear her stories too and get her love, which she generously showered on him. However, every night, she would tuck him by her side and lull him off to sleep after the story sessions. Krishan developed a strong character, impressed by Lord Krishna, who was his hero.


Poor grandma couldn't take the load of work, and her health gradually deteriorated. One night, when she was very ill and restless, she told Krishan that she would have to go and that he would have to stay and look after Grandpa, as Grandpa looked after him. " Beta, don't leave him alone. He will get lonely and miserable. After your school, do your homework with him, and spend as much time with him as I do, as much as you possibly can."

In a few days, grandma left for her heavenly abode. Now, both Krishan and Grandpa were miserable. Krishan's mother was rude towards her father in law and ill-treated him. Krishan would cry and even complain to his Dad every evening. Sham, Krishan's father was fed up with his wife and their lifestyle and decided to go to town, join his younger brother, and earn a living. So one morning off, he went with his tin bag. In a day or two, Mayna, threw the old, vulnerable father in law away, "I am pregnant, I can't cook and feed you too, then do all the household work and look after Krishan too."


The elderly gentleman had tears in his eyes. He felt miserable and heartbroken. Krishan saw him quietly wiping his tears. He tried to force a smile so that little Krishan would not know what was going around. Then Grandpa went on to drop Krishan school. He knelt down and gave Krishan innumerable kisses and hugs. Instantly, little Krishan understood something was very wrong. He couldn't concentrate in school, too; he did not even play with his friends and was unusually quiet. When his pregnant mother came to pick him up, he immediately asked her, " Maa, why didn't Aajoba come today to pick me up ?" His mother didn't answer him and just gave a wry smile instead. Krishan left her hand and ran home. Sure enough, as expected, he didn't find his grandfather home. His walking stick too was missing . Not waiting for his mother, Krishan ran out of the house, crying out, " Aajoba Aajoba....." After much wandering, Krishan found him sitting curled up in a corner of their field. He hugged his Aajoba and said, " Aajoba, you can't leave me like this and just go away. " it was a heart touching scene, a very pathetic one, at that!
Then Krishan stood up and said, " it was Aaji's last wish that we stay together, and so we will. " He said, " Aajoba, I will be right back, but you promise me you won't move from here." Having that assurance, he darted like a bolt from the blue.
Krishan went to seek help from his friends. They quickly brought in some bamboo, ropes, plastic sheets, etc, and of course some food.
They quickly constructed a temporary tent, where they all had a picnic lunch of Rotla, chillies, onions, and some pickle. Krishan's mother came searching for her son and was shocked to see what was happening! Now, she begged her father in law to return because she wanted her son back. Krishan refused to go home with her and stayed with his grandfather. She was absolutely helpless.

Now Krishan and his team planned to til the soil and so set to work. They requested some good villagers to give them implements, some seeds, buckets, and ropes. Krishan and his Aajoba, along with all his friends, started ploughing the field. An elderly gentleman advised them to plant mango and chickoo trees along all four boundaries and also a few in-between.
The boys quickly got some saplings from their fields. Being the right season, it was easy to plant these trees and also sow seeds.

Constant work from the team, got them good results. In the meanwhile, Krishan's father and Kaka (uncle) heard about this incident and came back to their village. The little saplings had taken root, and also, little shoots were now visible , all over.
Even after both the sons begged their father and Krishan to return home, they refused to go back. Both Krishan's father and kaka built a small house in the field for both of them and also stayed on with them. In a few months, there was a bountiful crop; also, the mango and Chickoo trees grew a bit more.

A small child had taught all of them what duty, dedication, and love are. This little team taught big people, big lessons.

If all the farmers get together and plough their fields, sow and reap, build ponds, and water reservoirs , they won't have to commit suicide or die of hunger. Krishan is just like Shri Krishna, who taught mankind how to live efficiently. (Lord Krishna who had requested just a small amount of land for his cousins, the Pandavas.)

Armin Dutia Motashaw