

Today is probably the first day of school and Kim was not excited to go.
He was so scared to go to school. Kim's parents were over seas. They hardly come to see Kim and they don't spend more time with him. He used to live his grandparents.

Kim is very respectfully to everyone.
He is a helping boy who loves nature and animals. He believes that nature and animals are the best friends instead of humans.

Because everyone in his school used to ignore Kim and some were jealous of him. However, Kim was good in studies as well as other activities like in games, dance, singing etc.,

Kim was all alone with his grandparents who used to love him and care him. By the time there was a bad news that Kim's parents died on there way when they were off to see Kim.

Kim was so depressed and stressed that he now hated his parents.
Because they left Kim all alone.in this cruel world. He didn't expressed his feelings but was so bad that he felt sick at the next moment.

While he was off to his school he had a accident with a girl. She pushed Kim
because she was late to school.
He left her and headed over to the school. And that day there was an new admitted girl in his class and that was the same girl who pushed Kim. He didn't notice her as he was worrying about something.

She introduced herself. Her name was
Anna. She is so beautiful and she so friendly with everyone. She was given the beanch beside Kim because people usually do not sit beside him.
So Anna took her seat and introduced herself to Kim but he didn't answer and he didn't introduced him myself to her.

While he was walking to his home after the school Anna called him and asked the reason why he didn't reply to her. He just thought it would be someone pranking on him so that he be seen as fool infront of class. So he again ignored her.

She was so amazed that why he was doing it. Next day she again asked him but he didn't reply. She said that how his parents are bearing him with such a rude attitude. Than he turned over her and told her stop pranking and stop thinking about his parents.

He was so angry that he yelled at her and left. On the same day he was thinking about it and was wondering that he he his acting in such a way.
He felt bad and went to Anna and apologized her and told that his parents are no longer.

Anna felt so bad that she asked him that whether he is willing to be friend with her. He accepted and told that she is the first friend to him.

She was more understanding to him and adviced him of things he was afraid. He was now very comfortable to her and was able to share everything to her. She made him happy and comfortable.

To be continued.....