

Unbelievable....[why is she lying?] (16)
D.s.c:- what's the matter bf? Any idea where Oliver is?
A.s *in his brain* :- (my heart wanna tell uh gf. But my brain knows that girls having such a big friends group won't be able to keep it as a secret so sorry for the lie.) Umm no gf. Well wbo?
D.s.c *thinks*:- (well i wanna tell u the truth that i don't know y she is absent but i don't wanna make my image as a nub in your eyes so sorry will have to lie.)
Umm yea. Actually
*in her mind:- come on come on. What to say??*
Ria:- cocoa! As uk i can see through the mist i saw via is not happy. She is flowing tears. The reason is ahh shits i forgot the reason! My stml 😭.
D.s.c :- how can u forget the main thing!( Umm no arya is here i hv to be a good gf and even i can't make ria sad because of her disability). Um well it's ok ria.
Ria:- thankyou megha. U always understand and so did now. Love uh. Well ig let's visit via and check out wht the prblm is?!
Punam:- yea actually. Wait it's 3 pm! We'll hv to reach there at 3:30 for the party. Um we girls will reach there and check out wht the prblm is. U boys join us directly. Even olivia won't like occurrence of so many people together.
*olivia's home*
S.b :- glad u girls came! Just look at oli. She is continuously chopping onions!!
Everyone :- onions 🤷🏻‍♀️.
Negative personality:- maybe she'll cut her hand.
Everyone:- can u pls just shut up!
L.w:- what's the matter? Why are you crying so much olivia? Olivia:- cry..cry... Crying me?? Y? No oh theese tears. That is because of the onions uk.
Dreamer:- u can hide your tears in the name of onions but your voice! U can't just change it.
Olivia:- Ohh comeon i hv been Chipping onions since long time so m tired nd that's the reason my voice became like this.
M.s:- hmmm i see. Then y r u Chopping so many onions? Is it from 'free ka maal chorlo' shop? Coz i see that except that shop none of the seller is selling onions at cheap rate!
Olivia:- nah it's just that i wanted an onion dish to be prepared.
Am:- No girls! Uk she received a call and after that her mood is completely off.
© caption pls :) - Riddhi ;-)
Caption:- it's 1 min.