

Dear God
I don't know if your real
I feel like your real in my heart but I'm always denying it. I'm scared that if I do something wrong in this life that I will go to hell and not be with my family and friends. I know people say oh everybody sins because that's the reason you died on the cross for us to sin but it doesn't matter to me I still feel like I will go to hell. I hope everyday that you have big plans for me that you actually have a purpose for me on this cruel earth sometimes and then yet again I think why do you care about me. I want to apologise everytime a bad word comes out of my mouth or a evil thought but then I think that you wouldn't forgive me. that when I cross that gate your going to look back at my life and say I was a discrase to you and your people that I was lazy at the start and got everything easy when really I didn't. I can't do nothing now because I'm a kid but I promise you that when I grow up I'm gonna not rest a single minute that I will travel the world and capture moments on a little camera and show the world I am worth something and that I can help a person before I leave this earth. I hope you love me and help me in the direction of my life and watch me as I lead my life with the rest of my time on this earth. 🌍