

It is vital for every person to know the spirit ,learn to relate to him ,and understand how he manifests himself .
The Holy spirit is a person, has feelings ,can become sad or angry and he has intentions, shows willfulness and discretion, loves, communicates, testfies, teaches, and prays. These are the qualities that distinguishes him as a person .
The holy spirit was present during Jesus' life on Earth. later on ,at the baptism of Jesus ,which marked the beginning of his public ministry ,the Holy spirit was present and ,on this occasion, could be seen in material form (Lk1:35-Mt 3:16 ).
During Jesus' ministry ,he taught about the holy spirit and had a relationship with him . furthermore ,He urged his disciples to receive him in their lives .
The Holy spirit works in the lives of believers ,(jn 14:16-17) the lord mentions two points: - the holy spirit was already real and he was about to come . At that time ,the spirit dwelled with the disciples, but they lacked having him in them . If the spirit of God was so important to the life of Jesus ,how much more so for the lives of the believer! . In the beginning we find the holy spirit moving about the surface of the waters, He has always been active: in Genesis 1 creating ,and at the end of the story tending to us (in Revelation 22). He comforts us ,helps us ,guides us, reminds us, teaches us, comes along side us, cousels us and intercedes and advocates for us. There is no area of life in which the believer does not need the help of the Holy spirit.
There is no doubt about that , a person's life filled with the Holy spirit should be the norm.
The Holy spirit works in the world throught evangelism. The legal term "convict" is used in order to highlight that ,even if man can point out an error , it is the spirit that brings conviction of sin . He shows the offense, reveals the foolishness of the sin , point out the consequences, convicts of guilt ,and leads the sinner to repentance. He is the humans greatest ally in evengelistic tasks. The emphasis on the holy spirit does not came from any religion organization in particular, but from Christ Himself .
The disciples also desired the fruit of the Holy spirit, but for that ,it was necessary for them to relate to him as a person. Before seeing the divine manefestation ,the believer will learn to love, serve, adore, and respect the spirit, wait in him and form a relationship with him.
The power of the Holy spirit changes lives.
[ ... but you will receive power when the Holy spirit has come on you , and you will be my witnesses..." - Acts 1:7-8] . Love is a distinguishing mark of the desciples, while being a witness distinguishes those who are fall of the spirit. It does not testify of Christ, does not show evidence of being filled by the spirit. No one receives the Holy spirit based on what they do . we experience salvation freely; there is no reason to relate to God differently in our experience with the holy spirit . It is also a grace-based experience. In the same way that we recieve Christ without doubting whether He will enter our lives or not, we should receive the Holy spirit by faith and believe that He will respond to our requests without delay.
- #Lk 11.

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