

The Black Hole
Another one who choose greed, I couldn't believe. After weeks of putting that wretched piece of paper with the black hole in it I finally thought someone wouldn't be greedy. I had been sat at my desk watching Mark on the security camera for the past hour. I don't know why I thought he would be any different. Mark was the most miserable in the office who despised everyone and everything. I still thought he would be smarter than that. Yet there he was, trapped in the vault, with no way out.

I stood up and stretched my legs to try get rid of the cramps from my tiny desk. My task now was to collect the black hole and filter it with the printer paper in another office. Wandering round I had forgotten how eerie the rest offices were, completely void of life and sound. I did sometimes wonder what exactly the tests the were for but I didn't get paid to ask questions. Opening the office door I grabbed the fallen piece of paper and left. The thud's and crys of hell from Mark, slowly dying behind me.

This piece is inspired by the YouTube video: The Black Hole by Future Shorts
© Ancient_Myths