

You Soar

I was a little girl when they found me, draped in clusters of dirt
With care they wiped my face, and showed me a better me

My lenses were skewered 'cos I never thought of myself like that
I wrote my story on the sand while, silence was my companion

I carried on with fragility not hoping, the world catch a glimpse
Wanting ever yearning for someone, to share my affections with

Like a whirlwind they came, saw lived and conquered
Then I lived in reverence, clasping magnificence on the hand

For a long while I danced with light and played lambent
I sheltered courage as armour and made my place in etiquette

I bore the sympathy and condolences of them who care
For soon I lost my dear one, whose affection was mine alone
Taking with them chunks of my heart

Day after day my pillows bore the strength of my sorrows
As once again silence became my constant companion

The world sought to comfort me with no inkling how
While parts of my heart fell in place as I lived a new me
© sailabby
#forAdetoke #poetry #storyteller #beunique #writcostories #nimble