

(ill think of a tittle one day) pgs 3 and 4
As she talked he seemed to listen like he cared and he did. He said "Well I'm sure he will return and he will be fine." She said "Yeah I hope so but on a different note, what's your name? You never told me so Im curious." He replied "My names DJ and I'm 19. And may I ask the same for you?" She replied "I'm Sapphire but most of my friends call me Saphi and I'm 15." She exited the game and went to YouTube and played some music. She got up and went to sit on her bed. He said " Well Saphi it's nice to meet you. Oh and how I know your boyfriend will be okay is because I know him. I got your username from him and I'll be sure to call him and tell him that you're worried about him but I promise he will be fine." She then said "And what if hes not.
pg 3
What if he dies and I never get to say goodbye. How would that be fair to me?" And with that she started to cry all over again. He said in a confussed tone " huh??? He said you never cried around him. So this is new, but why are you crying again? But I guess you're right it wouldn't be fair but I promise you he will be okay." And with those words it was if someone was comforting her and hugging her close. She sat there crying with hia coo-ing words. He said "Shhhh. It's okay. You're okay. Everything's going to be okay." She finally and slowly stopped crying, she sniffed and rubbed her eyes. He asked "Are you okay now?" She answered "Yeah I'm okay now I guess." She yawned tiredly as she rolled over he said "I guess you're tired so... I guess I will leave so you can sleep." She replied quickly "No don't leave... just please stay till I fall asleep."
He was vary quit for awhile until he said "Okay I'll stay untill you're asleep." And with that she curled up on the bed and she started to hear him hum as she fell peacefully asleep.

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