

Free souls in an enslaved world
Den logged into Torr as he put the VPN on and surfed through the layers of Onion to reach the Black Market, he needed a Magnum .357 for Bisar who could not be left unarmed in the 1992 Ford, incase there was a chase or otherwise if someone tried to sabotage their mission by unknowingly targeting the car.

"So, is the plan clear to everyone?", Den had asked all of them. Ella had replied, " Everything is fine but I can see a big hole in the plan which is they might send a chopper after y'all and might track your movements upto the ditch and just straight up bomb and kill you all." This had put Den in a dilemma, a chopper is a possibility which he hadn't thought about, he knew the only way to get around a helicopter was getting a rocket launcher, and those things cost a fortune, but then suddenly he thought of something, he put it forward to everyone, "Okay so if that happens, I think we've gotten two ways of handling it, one we fire rockets at them, and that'll just make it more complicated and the army might get involved, the better solution is that we spray paint the car, use counterfeit number plates and escape to the nearest ditch where Bisar will pick us up, sounds good?", everyone nodded in assent and unison but Ella still looked sceptical. She said, "I think there's an additional thing to do, that is buy a drone, you know we'll need live info about how they'll try to cope with that situation and since we don't have anyone from the hall as an insider l, we won't know what's going on, right?", "But Ella, honey the drone can be shot down!", Den said, exasperated.

"Den", Abkortas said, "my man what she is saying makes a load of sense, a drone is absolutely essential, how about the cloaking device which we saw is present online." Den looked defeated but still not reassured, he said, "Okay I'll get one from the Black Market."

So that was why he was here and also to get a gun for homeboy Bisy. He put on his earphones and started listening to the album Me Against The World by Pac, that was a vibe when you were actually going against the world.

Finally the fateful day arrived, 16th December, but they that is to say the boys weren't nervous, Den was the least nervous but that was just on the outside, inside his heart was sinking everytime he thought that someone other than him was going to die. Zacharius prayed to the Lord to grant them courage and manhood to complete this mission, Abkortas had prayed to the Elements too, the holy energy within himself and the waves of energy limitless that was flowing outside. Bisar had prayed to the creator of Rockstar games that today they might be able to pull off a GTA 6 level mission.

Each one of the three boys hugged everyone else goodbye, Den hugged Ella and said, "I'll miss you" when they embraced. She said, "I'll miss you too babe, come home safe and sound."

Before things could get tearful and tense however they got out of it. Anne and Bisar were on the computer and Ella and Marie would control the drone.

Den was driving, while Zach and Ab adjusted their bulletproof Kevlar suits and they shook hands, tears in their eyes, they had known each other since they were eleven and it could so happen that one of them could die....

Den parked the van in an unruly manner outside the building, and he got out with the assault rifle and ski masks on. There were two security guards who were taken aback and yelled, "Hey what do you think.....aaarghh!", they could not finish their sentences before Den had shot each in the head, the silencer worked, he thought, not a sound, puddles of blood were forming on the pavement and there was a bit of brain scattered near their bodies,he snapped out of it as Ab called, "Going in!!!", he kicked the door open and they saw a hall where a man with white hair, and a smug look on his face was lecturing everyone, he was saying, "You pay taxes to keep the country running, we, that is the politicians don't take a penny out of it", Den saw a smirk lurking in the corner of his smug face, and his heart went instantly black with hatred, "You lying scum", he yelled, everyone turned as he looked into the scope and shot William Adams in the head. There was screaming and there was yelling, Den put on his walkie talkie to his ear, Bisar was online, "Yeah Den, ten minutes start now go go,", "Yeah okay, I just need two minutes.".

"Everyone", Den yelled as Zach and Ab guarded the door, "Everyone listen to me, look these people, these filthy people don't give a fuck about our rights, all the talk is pure and utter bullshit, it's so murky down there in the offices they have, their personal assistants give a blowjob to these suckers, these old perverts while he takes cheques from businessman to keep their businesses going. People live in welfare without a buck to keep inside their pockets, struggling to have a bread and butter to eat while they waste millions of dollars throwing parties, I hate the consumerism that America has descended to, each and every one of you, just look at yourselves, shame on you, our forefathers never imagined an America like this, it's a damn shame that you people sit like sheep, you are not worthy to call yourself citizens of America, go live in a dictatorial state, since you're so fond of autocrats."

"Den let's go", Zach muttered. "Yeah let's go", Den said. When they stepped foot outside , Zach pulled a fibre rope out of his pocket, it looked sturdy and wrapped it around the metal grilles so that noone could escape. Ten minutes were almost up, and Ab was spray painting some words, he saw them and leapt back into the car and Den sat in the driver seat and they took off, Den rushed to the ditch as fast as he could, Bisar was waiting there for him, he didn't have access to the comms no more, the drone was showing them footage of SWAT vehicles arriving at the crime scene, Den and Zach put petrol all over the van and Den threw a match in there and then they took off in the Ford.......

Next in queue:- Den woke up with a start, something had been haunting him for too long, was it the blood of two security guards on his hands or was it the fact that he could get caught and be sentenced to the electric chair?
© Dhritiman