

Life is to short ,
Make most of it,
Across you entire life span you will be coming across so many people , its not possible that everyone will have the same opinion about you.
Can you stop any person from misunderstanding you?
Can you stop anyone from sleging you?
No their is nothing to be done,
its called things which is out of our control
people are too out of your control sometimes,
Are situation in your control sometimes?
Lot of things ,situation, people are out of our control.
How many of you think question paper is in our control?😝😝
And when thing goes wild we lose our mind control and we go a bit down,
but we have a choice to make whether to go down or to maintain our inner peace,
And thus in our life we will always have hurdles and situation out of our control we cant just let ourselves down instead we can choose to respond to it becoz between the situation and respond we have a choice.
Greatness lies not by being wise,
greatness lies by the choices that one makes,
and therefore when their is tough situations in life,
we have to learn how to respond,
All this sounds great and good , and we know yea I want to do it! ,
I can't be losing it ,
I want to face it,
But, is it so easy?
Thats why its important that we help each other and stay strong together,
Can't let you break so easily,
Becoz I know you will be successful one day in your own areas of your life,
and thus,
we have to learn how to respond.
© well_wisher