

Pathetic Story
I am a wealthy and selfless man. I live with my wife and our two kids. My wife died of a certain illness followed by our eldest son. The trauma was just more than enough and I eventually became a drunkard leaving our kid son to fend for himself. I spent all my nights and days in bars, gutters and even incompleted buildings. Not only did I abandon my son and my home, I also stopped helping people

The poor child who was left to himself at last joined the street as there was no food left back at home. He wandered around days and nights but our paths never met that soon. I anyhow vowed never to help someone again nomatter their situation for the only reward I had for my hard work and help was the death of my love ones. Those who had pity of my son gave him something to eat but that did not exclude those who mocked at us

At last one day, I decided to regain my normal life for the life I lived really benefited me in no way. But the sad news was that I discovered by then that our son was nowhere to be found, that after remembering that I had a son. I went out searching for days and nights, under rain and sun. I was so exhausted and began to lose hope and it was only then that a nasty child came to me asking for help.

He was so pale and ugly. I was terrified and annoyed when I saw him and a thought immediately ran through my mind
" God don't love me indeed. I am busy looking for my son and instead of granting my wish, he rather send one more soul that I should help. Definitely does my own sorrow means nothing to him?"
I further ignored the boy who couldn't let go of me. I used force to seize my legs from him as he held it so tight asking for something to eat.
" All my worth belongs to my only lovely son and no one else"
I repeated these words to myself as I left in sorrow wondering if I could ever see my son again

Few days later, still in search of my son, I saw the little boy lying in a gutter. He was dead. It was only then that I recognised that he was my son. He was the one I so long looked for. I screamed in despair, cursed myself but it was too late

Moral. Nomatter what you go through, don't miss an opportunity to help without good reasons.
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