

Invitation to my imaginary world
You are welcome
Here you have unlimited abilities
All yu need to do is imagine it and you'll find yourself there.
How do you get there?
Imagin it and your wish is granted.

As I open the door of my imagination
I stepped into a new world altogether.
The air is so clean and the flowers well laid in there beds,the air filled with there scintillating aroma.

The people here are so peaceful and they express an unspeakable joy on their faces came from their inner most being.
A garden well watered and brought fort there fruit in there season.
As I plucked one of the fruit and ate I felt it nourishing my my whole body and the taste none to compare.
I walked on the street the civility of their greetings and their courtesy expressed in deep love for each other .The street all glittered with gold.
No time zone everything worked in synchrony with eternity.This is where God is,my description not even close to the beauty I beheld.

It's time to go I still have chores to do here.Will be back when I'm done.
As I opened the door of my imagination I stepped into this cold world of my reality.The contrast between the two world's is too distinct for my mind to comprehend.I need to go back,it my escape route from everything and everyone.


© The signature graceJ