

Age is the very vital matter of human life. It is a particularly important factor for girls. Girls always try to lessen their age to maintain their beauty in the global market. Age is a measurable quantity for humans which signifies the deadline of a person. Age is a symbolism of someone’s experience, character and life. People of age between 10 to 20 years are young. At this age they try to express their thoughts, dream and try to fulfil their ambition. It is an age of curiosity. People between the age of 22 to 35 years are basically tensed, practical and quite mature to talk their decisions. This age is very vital for humans because it signifies the life which is to be led by them for the rest of their life. At this age, many people commit suicide due to extreme pressure of work. People between the age of 36 and 45 are either happy or sad. They are happy if they are settled well with high profile jobs and sad if they fail to get a good job. It is also a romantic age of human life. People fall in love in this very age and get married. The old age starts from 65 years. It is a time when people think before they take any important step of their life. They feel afraid to go any further. Many people of India depend on their children because they think that their children would help them at their old age but unfortunately, very less people look after their parents. People always their age to be standstill, they do not their age to proceed, especially the celebrities. They want their beauty to remain forever. Age also denotes the working capacity of a person. A man of 20 years is stronger than a man of 60 years. We all know that with growing age, people lose their physical strength because of weak bones. People use cosmetics to hide their original beauty to be exposed to the world, but the cosmetics are just like cover, they cannot reduce the age of a person because it is the rule of the world. Every person must follow the rules of nature, if you born then you will have to die. Do not hide yourself by using the cosmetics. You are the most beautiful person in the world. Many people fall in love because of outer appearance but the truth lies inside the heart. Many people cry at the death of their family member but remember one thing, it is the rule of nature and no one can stop it. Nature controls the law of Earth. On every birthday, do not feel happy or celebrate because it indicates that you are going near the deadline of you. Be yourself and do not try to hide your beauty by cosmetics because your age is your truth and it is inevitable. Be the truth not the lie and follow the laws of nature.