

The cartoon cat...
One night, I met some people when i went on my night time jog. They said they were urban explorers (urbex). They offered me if I wanted to join their crew. I agreed and begun walking with them. They said it would cost money though if I wanted to join them. They said it would cost £5 to join. I accepted the pay. Then we carried on walking. When they told me where we were going, I got really excited. It was an old, abandoned mall that was old and the paint began to peel off the walls. It looked very creepy, but I was still very excited to have a look around. When we went in, we heard some sort of moaning and growling of maybe a monster. We were all very creeped out by this so we decided to split up into 3 groups and try and find out what it could be. We found a dark room that was pitch black but all we could see were glowing, white cartoony kind of eyes. We also saw a big, smiling sharp teeth coming towards us. We ran as fast as we can go the exit... it followed us waving its arms in a peculiar way and we ran until we couldn't see it anymore. After that, I never went urban exploring again...