

A Case For Sherlock Holmes vol. 2
So we questioned and questioned them all the day,
Trying to decide which ones to lay
But we weren't making much heamay.

At this rate we'll be here till spring
We best let Inspector Lestart do his thing.

So back to London Sherlock flew,
To smoke his pipe and enjoy a brew

And maybe to revive his brain
With a little hit of the old cocaine.

It's cases like this that tend to soil
The reputation of A. Conan Doyle,

And I'll have to say amid all this flotsam
It's elementary,
My Dear Watson!

© #Sherlocked

(the app was asking for 150 words, so I'll be typing random things here, the story is already over, hope you liked it, thank you for reading!)

(in later days I'll be posting more poems and quotes too, keep reading and there we go, words finally over!)