

Why do some people hate romantic relationships?
Yes, some people have started to hate romantic relationships. But what is the reason?

Let us see some dating lingos first-

Breadcrumbing: It is like feeding someone breadcrumbs. Just to make them engaged enough to get the perks of relationship without giving them the actual commitment.

Ghosting: When someone suddenly stops communicating without any specific reason given.

Love bombing: Showering so much love and affection at the beginning stage that it fades away after the initial phase. It involves manipulation too.

Situationship: The so-called relationship where you lack all the boundaries. Basically you act like a couple but you are not dating. Lack of commitment is also seen just same as breadcrumbing.

Benching: It is keeping someone on the sidelines. In simple words, keeping options with yourself. Always in a search to find someone better.

And the list of these lingos go on….

You know what is one thing common in all these?

“No strings attached.”

Which means you play it all casual without worrying about other person. You do everything from sexual pleasures to fun activities without any commitment and attachment.

You keep jumping from one person to another just to increase your date count. Cool right?

Now, what are the consequences?

When you will be looking for a partner in your late 20s or early 30s, you will barely find any. You know why? Your soul and inner urge will die till then.

Even if you get one, you will doubt them.You yourself would have been in so many casual relationships that your mind will be corrupted.Your mental health would be completely f*cked up.

Along with this, our body also carries some energy and aura. That will also be ruined completely by those physical relations.

But for what people do all this?

First reason is out of fear, yes you have heard it right. Most of the people do it to avoid emotional attachments. They do this because they are afraid that their heart will be broken again. That is why they prefer to break someone else's heart.

Secondly, they do this because they just want to satisfy their lust. They know that without these tactics their physical needs will not be met.

Thirdly, People are so busy searching for something better that they have forgotten about the good thing which is present infront of them. They want to explore new options not caring about the efforts someone already making.

Why I hate the romantic relationships of today's generation?

The relationships did not remain what they were. Nobody cares for you, people are just here to keep themselves safe and their needs fulfilled. The meaning of true love is completely lost. You have so many options to swipe right that you forgot what the genuine bond actually means.


Nobody likes to go simple way, they want to try every food present in the buffet.
People are losing the depths of intimacy and love just for their mere satisfactions. This is why the belief in love and romantic relationships is fading with time.

आज के वक्त में इंसान तो है लेकिन इंसानियत नहीं बची है।

P.S.- Exceptions do exist and I have already talked about some examples of true love in my previous answers. I'm just stating here what I have seen in today's generation. No need of arguing on the point that I should have hopes etc. I think optimistically about love but not in favour of what people are doing in today's time.
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