

The Wounded Soul

I'm neither a philosopher, nor an Illusionist that refrained from physical existence. But the dispensation I stood upon had dealt with me immeasurably. Though the human soul is completely glued, and choices of life are earthly horizon. The fate and assumption of all mankind.

I was only a kid, when they took us captive, and right before my eyes, they raped mother and left few bullet that made her speechless.
It was 6am in Africa time. I had gone to fetch water from Dalori river, as mother instructed.
The river of life, that flows through Bimi, Auno and Gongolon clan in Northern Nigeria.
I was told a handful anecdote about the catching sight of this great river by mother before her expiration on that fateful day.

I still recalled, working on that dreaded path with unknown stranger's, who waved at me. And then after solicited for direction to Bimi and Dalori, the pathway that led to mother death.

We are called the giant of Africa, a country where human lifes are meaningless, neither freedom of speech is allowed to find its expression.

I couldn't take back my tears, as i watched mother grasping for breath until she gave up the ghost right in front of me.

Though we knew freedom of life, and property is dead in Nigeria. But we still went ahead to believe in their propaganda. Reason been that, none were qualified for the task ahead.

In abstract,
I was taking as a slave in my own country, the once pride of African. And daily, i was abused and raped as a wounded soul without remorse.
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