

Things We Need To Focus On
~ never feel stuck in life always be active being proactive is the best.

~never judge others know that it's really mean and it shows that ur insecure

~be that person you really are don't change urself for others

~love your body for the way it is

~just know that ur perfect and there's nothing wrong with you.

~ if you feel like put work behind don't cause u won't get this time again.

~ I know life treats us like hell sometimes and we suffer so much just don't give up ur problems will soon end.

~know that ur mistakes can be corrected in the future.

~theres a reason for everything u choose to do believe it or not there definitely it.

~never underestimate others and urself...

just know that you'll archive everything you wanted believe and you will see wonders happening in ur life :)
© Maria