

recovering from Covid
#I have yet to fully wrap my head around the devastation of Covid and it’s effects on our country. It’s almost like I need retrained on how to opporate in todays society. Things are not as they were and I’m not sure we will ever recover without a major shift in how we approach the problems we’re facing. We are not seeing results that can be seen as satisfactory. People are not behaving in ways that are exemplary. Give people a chance to practice ways that improve our human rights. How can we recover as a nation? And be about the needs of each other instead about selfish greed. Stop the limiting beliefs and start believing what is possible. What are we doing about what we’re facing? Are we taking necessary steps to ensure our future? Or are we giving up on seeing our lives evolve into something we use to believe could be? I know I’m not the only one. Are we doing what we can or are we resisting? It’s never too late to do something about our problems. I’m not saying I know the answer. But we can be searching for a solution instead of making people wrong for trying to find one. Worried about the problems you’re having. I wish things could work out faster. Maybe it’s not such a big deal. I’m just articulating my thoughts on what we’re going through and experiencing as a nation. It’s not anyone’s job per se but a little effort goes a long way. No one can fix your problems for you that’s your job. You just have to believe it’s possible.