

My True Self Episode 6😉😁
Four weeks later, I was so bored, I went to my drawer scattering it in search of something. Finally, I found it, it was Charlie's address, I took it, boarded a cab and located it.

His house is painted with white paint and his room blue, I knocked at the door and his thick voice came from behind the door asking who it was, I answered "it is me Frankie", he told me to come in, he was dressed in a royal blue up buttoned down shirt and black trouser, he asked me why I came, I told him"so I cannot come and visit my boyfriend, Ok no problem"?, I said and turned back about to leave when he held me back on my hand and said that he was sorry, I folded my hand and squeezed my face, he tickled me, I giggled a little, he lifted me and carried me to his reading table, he sat me on it and removed my canvas, he opened his drawer and brought out a box, opened it and brought out a necklace and wore it on me, he held my waist, I put my hand backwards on the table supporting myself, I told him thanks that I loved the necklace, he was coming closer to kiss me but I placed my palm on my lips, he retrieved and asked why I did that, I told him that I was still angry at him, he apologized again, I finally agreed, he carried me and lay me down on his bed, he stayed in me, Oh No!, I didn't like this and I have never gone this far in my romance love life, I told him and he sat up, he started gisting me about about his love life, he said that he started dating and using girls when he was ss1, that girls were even asking me out, I was shocked, that girl was so shameless, I told him about mine after sometime, he asked if I was hungry and I said Yes, he brought Crackers and Milk shake, I ate, after eating, I lay down on the bed, he went to trash the packand he came back and lay down beside me, I was facing him, he held my waist, I opened my eyes and he just smirked, I then closed my eyand then he did same, I later opened my eyes and so many thoughts started going through in mind, as I was admiring him, I really don't know what pushed me, I went closer to him and started kissing him, he opened his eyes and removed his mouth, he asked if I was okay, I just ignored him and continued kissing him, after u was satisfied, I released him and fell flat on the bed, breathed out and I started smiling foolishly, I immediately closed my eyes, he covered me with the huge duvet and I slept off.

I later woke up in a car, I looked at my side and saw Charlie, I thought I had been kidnapped, I quickly hugged him, I then asked where he was taking me too, he said Home, I released my self from himand faced the window by my side, he touched me, I ignoring him, he started apologizing that he is very sorry, that he was wrong that he would have asked me first, I looked at hm and gave him a sharp but smooth kiss and said that I have forgiven him,I reached home, went to take a nice shower, I was so happy, I dressed up in my night gown and robe, went downstairs to eat and went back to my room, I saw a message from Charlie which says "Meet me at Savannah Island by 2:30pm, have something for you"...........
© Sparklës