

Hi, I'm a water sign. I'm a Pisces symbolized by two fish swimming in opposite directions. This symbol symbolizes the Pisces character who is often indecisive and difficult to make a decision. Sometimes I like to be pessimistic and not confident, like doubting my own abilities and what's worse, I'm often deceived by people around me. I like to worry too much and relax too much about everything. I know it's kinda bad, but you need to know. Not only that, I have a lot of imagination, and have a lot of great and creative ideas. People know that. I'm a relaxed person, easy to sympathize with others, have a big heart even though it is a little difficult to forgive other people's mistakes. I have strong intuition and instincts, so don't try to lie to me. In friendship, I prefer a few friends but quality than having to be with fake people. I'm very sensitive. I can easily find out someone's intentions even though I don't know them closely. Likewise, I really respect honesty and sincerity. The thing I hate the most is rejection and being alone.
