

He's DEAD.
Wait, He's dead?
Like Dead ,as in DEAD?!!!
I stood there frozen , watching his body on the floor, thinking of how this man was just speaking two minutes ago.
Whispers filled the air, as everyone was giving opinions on what just happened.
My head was in a haze when Sir Simon broke the silence.
He sighed.
"Well, what do we do about the body? " He said, his face grim with a downcast expression as a lady in the crowd began wailing loudly.
"It was his choice. He chose to do it this way" He said.
A few young men carried the body, some got clothing to wrap his body, and they went to bury him.

Sir Simon sighed again.
"It shouldn't have ended like this. He was a good man but he decided to cross the line between love and fear"

" What about his wife?" Sir Jay asked.
"It must have been an agreement between them both. Let's wait till Sister Saph gets here"

Just then, the woman of the moment came strutting in.
"Oh, Brothers and Sisters, it's so good to have you around" She said, smiling.
" I have a question to ask you " Sir Simon began, his face void of expression .
" Have a seat , Man of God, I'll get you some water, have you all had something to eat? I'll go get some ....."
" How much did you and your husband sell the land?"
She stopped for a second.
" Oh, we already told you, we sold it for seven hundred thousand and brought it all for God's use"
Everyone shifted in their positions.
" Why have you and your husband conspired to lie to the Holy Spirit?" Sir Simon said, pain evident in his voice.
She stepped backward, watching all of our faces, her mouth open in realisation.
She had been caught.
"Where... where's my husband?" She stuttered.
"Those who buried him are at the door and they will carry you out too" He said, and turned to the door, his red-rimmed eyes, scanning us all.
Sister Saph was on the floor and shaking my head in pity and fear, I watched as she breathed her last.
"Their mouths proclaim his name, but their hearts are far from him , for they feared not the Lord and grieved the Holy Spirit"
They lied, and their lives were ended for one lie.

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