

Happy Tastes Good -Chapter 1, Claudia
my mother was screaming for me for probably the fifth time this morning. I know I'm going to be late for school, but I'm busy.
"Claudia, now! You can't just be late all the time because you're busy doing your hair."
Ok, so maybe it wasn't that important, but I need to look presentable, right?
"Coming mom", I yelled back to her as I pushed my way past my brother, Luke.
Ugh, he's so annoying.
I came down the hall and through the kitchen, as I went to grab my car keys off of the hook my little sister Skye handed me some toast with a sweet little smile on her face, the sun glistening through the window and the light shining off of her beautiful brown hair. I took it and said,
"Thank you",
and headed for the door and out to my car.
I rushed into my first period of the day just as the tardy bell rang. My best friend, Kenji, who also happened to be one of the only tolerable boys in the entire school, turned and waved to me. I smiled and sat down at my desk which, sadly enough, was on the opposite side of the room from him.
Lunch came around, finally, and I met Kenji near the doors by the gym. We went outside and sat near a field that's close by the school. It's a gorgeous day out, the air just perfect, warm, and the sun was out, leaving the open blue sky to hang over us all while the birds flew through it, singing.
School is over for the week and Kenji is coming over for a gamenight since it's a Friday. He decides to stay over for the night just because he can. He stayed on the couch of course, its only right. Cara, one of my other friends, thinks he likes me, but I doubt it. He never seems to be shy about saying things or confessing, and we've been friends for a good few years now. He would've confessed, right?
It's Saturday morning, and I just woke up to Kenji standing in my door with pancakes and a really weird smile on his face. He's so strange sometimes. He stepped in and said,
"Morning, sleepy."
I just looked at him, still half asleep and a bit confused, until it hit me, he brought me breakfast. I sat up and reached for the plate, while still wrapped in a blanket which was patterned with pawprints.
He stayed for the rest of the day and we just hung out, played some board games and went for a walk. We then decided to have a movie marathon just because it sounded fun.
He went home around 10.

© Reagan_H