

Kakudmi's journey to Lord Brahma...
One lesser-known story from Indian literature that involves the principle of time dilation is the story of King Kakudmi from the Hindu scripture, the Bhagavata Purana.

King Kakudmi was a powerful ruler who lived in ancient times. One day, he decided to find a suitable husband for his daughter, Revati. To do this, he decided to seek the advice of Lord Brahma, the creator of the universe. King Kakudmi and Revati journeyed to the realm of Lord Brahma, where time flows differently from the earthly realm.

When they arrived, they found Lord Brahma listening to a musical performance. Kakudmi humbly waited for the performance to finish, which he thought would only take a few minutes. However, when the performance ended and Kakudmi approached Lord Brahma to seek his advice, he was surprised to find that not only had many years passed on Earth, but also the suitable suitors for Revati's marriage had long since passed away.

This story beautifully illustrates the concept of time dilation, where time passes differently in different realms or dimensions. While King Kakudmi and Revati spent what they thought was a short time in the realm of Lord Brahma, many years had passed on Earth. This tale reminds us of the relative nature of time and the importance of being mindful of its passage...