

PERCIVAL: The Love Dove
Michael &

"Life will ALWAYS be the Darkest, just before a major breakthrough."

When Charles and the children returned home, the EMS was already there as well. Percival was sitting on top of her chest, where she remained even in the vehicle; her talons tightly clasped to her blouse. As Charles looked around the house, just before he left with the children to go to the hospital, he wondered who called for assistance. They knew no one, and only Maggie was home. Of course, the Love Dove was there; but how could a bird call for anyone? Then they saw the phone off the hook, on the floor. One of Percival's feathers was stuck between the phone and a button.

"It couldn't be," Charles gasped.

"You think" Susanna began, "maybe?"

"I don't know," Charles replied. "Let's just get over to the hospital with your mom." He hurried them to the station wagon. "Maggie needs our support!"

After they arrived and got to Maggie's room, they were surprised to see Percival still there; FLAP FLAPPING her white wings sitting on Maggie's chest. She never moved from that spot.

"Hey honey," Maggie croaked. "Sorry about this. I must've missed a stair and fell with the laundry."

"I know dear," Charlie replied. "So sorry I wasn't there." And he gave her a hug with tears.

"This bird, what's its name again?"

"PERCIVAL!" The children shouted with a smile.

"Yes," Maggie smiled, "Percival saved me. I could have sworn, like an angel, I looked up and saw that miraculous bird phone for an ambulance."

Charles smiled. "Darling, you know that birds can't ..."

"It's okay Charlie," she put her index finger over his lips to shush him. "It's a miracle._

"Indeed," he and the children said in chorus.

Maggie's eyes lit up as Percival walked right up to her face and cooed. "From now on, Percival," she started. "You'll be known as 'The Love Dove!'" ‎

“What is humanity
that thou are mindful of?
Your love keeps knocking
down our walls
And your peace treaty
has pacified our soul.
Love, peace and unity
Are written on your wings.
Percival, the Love Dove.
I am living the Life of Love.