

A Morning Banter
The day started , spreading its hopefulness , positivity and the brightness among the sky and the window of the latter .

The latter who , a moment ago , was sleeping peacefully in it's bed , stirred in sleep and wake up while cursing the Sun . You have to know the Latter has a very personal rivalry with the Sun .
As according to the latter , the Sun , since the childhood , always makes her beauty sleep and the beautiful dreams go vanished .

Yeahh... the latter is already awake but still unable to resist the gravity of the bed.
And then ,there comes a loud voice or you can say an alarming sign that if the latter doesn't wake up now . Then he/she have to face the consequences and that too very fierce one.

So , our dear latter just stood up straight as soon as the voice hits his/her eardrums .

The latter started hurried everything and as he/she was about to go into the bathroom, a slipper landed directly on his/her face .
*Now that's a PATT SE HEAD-SHOT*

Karishmaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa - The Latter's mother said .

Oh wait , let me give you a brief introduction of her.
So she is the latter's mother . Her name is Pushpa. She is a single mother and a young woman too definitely according to her. She is very proud of her acting skill , ummm... actually that is overacting .
But not let the young woman heart break as we are good people .

Pushpa Ji - Karishma how many times do i have to remind you that you are not a child anymore. You are a complete 26 and still you sleep this late .

Karishma - Oh Pushpeeeeee, just chill . As you know i am a full grown woman , so let me handle myself my way . I know i have to wake up early to get into my workplace at time but as always i failed this time too.....
Ahhhhhhhhhh....... Could you please make my clothes ready and i am going to take a shower quickly . I really have exactly 15 min. to cover a distance of 5 km . And as this is my very first day , i really never ever want to be late .
So please Pushpee you can complete all your dues session of scolding later in the evening but please help me now .

Saying this Karishma hurried towards the bathroom and as soon as her mother takes out the cloths from closet , she appeared behind her almost frightening her Pushpee .

Pushpa Ji - Hey Shiv ji, please please give this moron a brain and some sense . I will definitely die someday beacuse of her these sudden appearances .

Karishma - Huh, now what i had done ?
I just want to have my clothes .

Pushpa ji - Yeah, but like this . You'll surely give me a heart attack Karu .

Karsihma - Ohh Pushpee , don't mind . I 'll find a new mother then . ^=^

Pushpa Ji - If this is the case , then find one immediately . As i am not going to give you breakfast .
*Pushpa ji smirks .

Karishma - Oh oh... Awwww my dear Pushpee , i didn't mean that . I just wanted to say that how will i find such a cute , innocent and this much ever young lady as my mother . You are sooooo sooooo sweeeet , Pushpeeeeeeeee.....

Pushpa Ji - Really? Am I this much young? Ishhhhhhh....... Karu ke Papa.(Karu's father)

Karishma - Of Course , you're the youngest one , even younger than a 1 year old baby .
*silent laughs

Pushpa Ji - Reallllllllllyyyyyyy????????
Wait... one sec , did you just make a fun of me ?

But before anything happens , Karishma picks up her clothes and went inside bathroom to change.

Pushpa Ji - Wait Karu i will show you what is it to make fun of you mother . Now you will not get any breakfast .

Author's Note -
I am just obsessed with these names .
And this is my very first time writing a story . I know sometimes i will fail to make you understand things as they are . But i will try my best to make myself a lttle better everyday as i write .

After all what matters most is nothing but Efforts . ♡

© theukiyowriter