

Love is as Love Does...
Men if you really love someone, it shows on your face and hers too.
Women i am not excluding you by no means necessary, the same thing goes for us too..
Love is as Love does...
It is written all over your face so to speak..
It is... what It is... No if's and's or but's Love never fails..
Men and Women if you love someone, i mean really love them fight for what you have....
Fight by definition means the following: to contend against another in battle. 2. Box 3. Struggle; a hostile encounter and verbal agreement. I am not talking about the above definition. Speaking metaphorically, i mean to express and show them how much you love them. Love by definition means strong affection for another or personal ties. 2. Attraction based on sexual desire. 3. Affection based on admiration or common interests. 4. Assurance of affection.
Keep it plain and simple
If you are from the show me state then you now what i am talking about.. It is either put up or shut up.
You can say you love me all day, but it you don't show me it doesn't mean a thing... The proof is in the pudding...
Most men are going to think when you say show me it means gifts etc.
All women are not alike and they don't think alike, on that same note all men don't think alike or are the same either.
Examples of love:
1. Quality time
2. holding hands
3. a kiss on the forehead or face
4. moon lit walk
5. picnic in the park
6. watching a movie on your couch
7. watching the sunrise and and set in his or her arms
8. a phone call saying i thought about or just wanted to hear your voice.
Loving him or her so much that you want, their voice to be the first one you hear when you wake up. And the last voice your hear before you go to sleep.
I know you heard the song Secret Lovers, but if you love someone i mean really love them; It shows one way or the other, Love is no longer a secret...
Men if you have a good woman hold o them, Ladies the same goes for you, if you have a good man you'd better hold on them... This is for both whatever you don't or won't do another one will.... Loving him or her with everything you have in you....
signed Justyce Jordan...