

Politics is such a thing that break unity among the people. people fight with each other and the elements who play politics where happy to see them fight . According to writer thought politics spread through media, you tube, and unwanted news which was repeated again and again. One negative news is show in Tv 10 100 times as another thing I believe that Human who play politics and break the people from religious and go towards the terror action they forget there Guru teachings,they forget there Guru words, They forget humanity, they blindly follow there leader , without thinking as this thing right or wrong, they try to break the peace of the country so on serious note everything happened now a days is under poltics so it's request always leave together all religions are one we all are son and daughter of one God let's make a oath leave together, leave with love and care, and respect everyone identity and never fall on such poltics which try to separate us
- kawaljeetsingh Hoda
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