

Peace in Nature
Back when I was about 16 years old, I went on vacation. I thought I knew everything, as most teens do at that age. I was mad at the world, for what? I can't even remember. My parents and Uncle and Aunt thought it was a good idea to hike a trail to the top of the mountain. I didn't want to, I wanted to hang out with the others my age. I fought for a while, of course I lost the argument. So me and my bad attitude slowly walked behind my family with a sour look on my face. I was dreading the two mile hike. I didn't say much all the way up, still upset they made me go. We came around a little bend in the path, and there it was. The top of the Mountain. I gasped in awe at the glorious view. I had never in my life been up above the clouds, looking down at Earth's magnificent beauty. All of the negative, horrible teenage thoughts melted away from my head. For almost an hour I stood there in wonder and awe. I felt like I was on top of the world. So close to God, so far from the illusions of society. The peace I felt in nature. It was a humbling experience I will always treasure in my heart.
© Jeri N Cadwell