

The Devil's treaty: cost of life & death.
Half a decade ago, lived a teen, ignorant of the cruelties of the world. He was sailing smooth in the seas of life when he encountered another boat, afloat but immobile. As a young blood, selfless he deviated from his course, moved past the obstacles to reach that boat and see if he could be of any help. Hiding behind that motionless boat was a merciless pirate. They got him. He tried his best to free that boat from the grasps of the pirate but didn't succeed. They left him to sink to the bottom of the sea.

Life flashed before his eyes and he met the devil. He was there, offering him another chance at life. But nothing comes for free. He told him about the cost of life. He needs to pay a price to get his hands on that second chance. Additionally, the devil promised him unlimited power if he lets him take over. To which, he said, "Thank you but I don't want your power. I am strong enough. The second chance is all I need." The pact was sealed. Everytime he needs another chance in life, he will get it but at the cost of a tiny fraction of humanity. And the first of his aliases was created. He named him 'Chase' after his then favorite superhero.

Years passed, he sprung back and was back at slaying life problems like a pro. And then it happened. 'Love'. She was so beautiful. A bright aura gave away her presence. He called her 'Angel'. Eventually her presence made him unlock another side of himself which then deserved a name of it's own. Thus an 'Idiot' was born. It's also the title of his first journal. But to keep him safe from the cruelties of the world, he named him The Masked Idiot.

Another year later, the unthinkable happened. Angel bailed out as they were driving through an asteroid belt in their very precious spaceship, the Stratofortress and he was left all alone in an ocean of darkness. The warm light faded in the snap of a finger and a pitch black darkness engulfed him. It was a two-man ship. Somehow it travelled past the dangers and crashed on the earth's surface. He was a living dead. The devil appeared again and offered him another chance. But this time he chose death. But it wasn't that easy. Death doesn't come for free either. As he saw a stream of blood running down his hands, the devil spoke, "Imagine if you survive, you'll have to live like a burden on your parents' shoulders and if you die today, you still leave a burden of never ending pain and sorrows for them until their last breath".

He had to take another chance. And as mentioned in the pact, a tiny fraction of him gets consumed by the devil. It was just the 2nd time and he could feel the intensity of his destructive power increasing. So he made another of his aliases, Moon Knight, his favorite superhero. The opposite of Chase. If chase symbolized darkness, MoonKnight was the light.

He isn't afraid of his enemies anymore. He wields the sword of Honesty & the dagger of Sheer Will under the tag, Moon Knight and an armor of Conviction and a shield of Ethics under Chase. But everytime one of his own breaks him, he takes another chance at life, thanks to the Devil's Treaty. Just the way billions of drops of water can sum up and make a ocean, this tiny fractions of lost humanity keep adding up...

© TheMaskedIdiot
