

Call Me Mine ~ 2
Virgil can't sleep sometimes, even with me there. When that happens he either goes for a jog or stays up watching the people in the television.

When I wake up, I join him on the couch. He especially likes watching the little yellow honey bear and tiny pink pig with their animal friends in the woods. That's his favourite.

Before the sun is up, we go out. We sometimes jog, walk, sit at the park— it doesn't matter. We stay out until the first store opens, then we go back home and get ready for work. Virgil and I work together, though he doesn't want to. At first I'd sit in his work car, chase bad humans with him; you know, fun. But now he doesn't want to take me along anymore. I don't know why.

Does he hate me?

"Morning Colman," At work, a woman with bouncy hair greets. Her name is Sadie, and she's nicer than most. I think someone made a mistake and made her a human instead of a dog. She sees me heeling Virgil and squeals. "You too, sweetheart. Want a bite?"

See what I mean? I accept the beef she took from her burger. Virgil doesn't like it when I do that, so I make sure to feel reeeally guilty after eating it.

"What, do you think I'm starving him or something?" He pulls back his chair, letting me sit under the table and rest my head on his lap when he sits.

"Sheesh, I'm just making friends. Are you actually mad?"

No, he forgot to buy a latte on the way to work; that makes him snappy. He's been doing that a lot lately.

"Sorry. . ." He slaps his cheeks several times. "Just a bit hungover."

He's been lying a lot lately too.

I move from under the desk and look around. I want to get something for him so that his tummy won't be empty anymore, but the only food I can reach is the tray of donuts. Virgil doesn't like donuts because “what kind of maniac eats food with holes in it?” so I can't give him those.

Before I travel further away from his desk, Virgil snaps his finger, so I go to him. His eyes are still on the screen, but he strokes my head, gently passing his fingers through my fur as he mutters gibberish, lost in thought.

I like Virgil's touch. It's so warm, and gentle, and it gives me a kind of peace I wish I could give to him too. I wish I could ran my fingers through his soft dark hair and lull him to sleep with a song.

It would be raining, we would be on the couch together and his head would be on my lap. I would sing him a sweet song, and he would smile as he slept. He would sleep so soundly, not even waking up when that blasted phone rings. It would be heaven.

It doesn't last.

An hour later, someone bursts in. "Colman, we have a suspect uptown holding some kids hostage."

Virgil takes his hand away from me, making a face. "Like, uptown uptown?"

The man's name is Mace. He's very big and bulky, and he doesn't have hair. He straps a Glock to his belt. "Bro, dump your personal issues and let's go."

"Coming." He sighs, then freezes when he sees me. I'm holding my vest in my mouth, and I'd known that that dark shadow would come in his eyes when he sees it and yet—

I still did it. My ears droop when he frowns at me.

He gets up and puts on his coat. "No, Scout."

"Aw, he looks sad." Sadie says.

Mace waves a hand. "We might need him you know."

Virgil—no, right now he was Colman—frowned at them too. "Any other dog is fine. Mace, we're taking your mutt, get 'im ready."


"Chop-chop, buddy." He claps. Mace hurries off.

He comes to kneel in front of me. "This is for the best, Scout. You know that. "

I lick his hand as it strokes my muzzle.

"I'll be back before long, trust me. " He gets up to go.

Sadie turned in her seat. "He'll be safe with me, don't fret."

"Don't bother him." He warns, then steps out and closes the door behind him.

"What a jerk. Scoutl, you'd be a million times better off with me~" She sings the last part to me.

Virgil isn't a jerk, he just gets like this when he's tense. So why's he on guard? Or is he lying to me now, too?

Curling up under the table where his scent still lingers, I hope he comes back safe.

© 2023 by ravenizcul