


The shimmer of the gigantic diamond on her finger left me wondering how someone in this generation can get a man so handsome to meet their parents.Their angagement left the entire family blessed with happiness and joy.Looking at this enormous silver rock sent her eyes lighting up and her well arranged teeth curving into a smile.

With many questions in my head,I walked up to her in urge to get some answers as I thought; how did you meet that good man?,with the increasing number of break ups in this city,how did you find a good man to commit to inly you for the rest of your lives?,Why isn't such happening to me?. But when she looked up at me,I heard my self say;

'Hey nova,congratulations'I uttered
'thank you dear' she replied as she admired the ring on her finger.
'So,how did you convince him'I asked
She looked up to me with a smile and said 'Lisa,I went down to my knees and prayed for this.I asked God to give me a man of my dreams and he did. You have to pray for everything you want ant trust me God will make everything possible.

With that,I went back home and prayed for a soul mate,someone to turn grey with me.Someone to love and and cherish for the rest of my life. Above all,being a good father to my children.
© Namujju Brenda Melissa