

Planet X Chapter 8
She took the test and looked at it.
"Oh my God you are!" She went to hug him but almost knocked him down.
"Sorry." She said. They both laughed.
"I want to tell Scott right away." She hurried down the hall and upstairs to their bedroom. Scott was just out of the shower when she entered the room.
"Scott come quickly! It's Eric!"
"What's wrong?!"
"Just come quick!" He followed her downstairs and to the hall bathroom. She opened the door and Eric was sitting on the edge of the bathtub. Scott went in and knelt beside him.
"Are you alright?!" Eric smiled.
"I'm fine. There's something I have to tell you."
"Im... well... you're going to be a father."
"A what?"
"A parent." Whispered Emily into Scott's ear.
"You mean you're?!" Eric nodded smiling. Scott swooped him up into his arms and kissed him.
"I love you Eric." He said kissing him again. Emily watched with glee as they shared a moment.
"I love you too Scott."
By the end of the day Eric was feeling better.
"Hey! I know what we can do!" Said Emily
"What's that?" Asked Scott.
"Let's go shopping for the baby!"
"That's not a bad idea. Eric would you like to do that?" Eric nodded with a smile.
The next day they went baby shopping. When they returned home their hands were so full that Emily could barely open the door.
"That was fun! Hey! I've got another idea!. Let's have a baby shower."
"What's that?"
"It's where you invite all your friends and family and they give you presents for the baby!"
"But we already have all this stuff." Said Eric laughing.
"But you could get more stuff." Emily smiled. Eric smiled widely.
"Oh! alright."
Four weeks passed and Eric was beginning to show.
"Hey baby." Greeted Scott.
"Hey love."
"You're so beautiful." Said scott giving him a kiss.
"I'm fat." Said Eric.
"No. You're pregnant. And I love it." Eric smiled.
The day of Eric's baby shower arrived. And everyone from the neighborhood were invited. Eric and Scott had many human friends and Cynnian friends as well. And they all showed up.
Eric got so many gifts that they were about to topple over in the corner of the room.
"Thank you all so much for your lovely gifts. And thank you so much for coming. I'm so pleased to see you all. Thank you so much." Said Eric happily.
After everyone left Eric felt tired so he went to lay down but then, he felt a sharp pain in his stomach.
"Auh no not again... Scott! Emily!!" Scott and Emily frantically ran to his side. He was half way up the steps when the contractions started.
"Eric you alright?!"
"I'm fine... But something's wrong."
"Emily, call the doctor!" Emily took out her cell phone and dialed doctor Phillips's number. Dr. Phillip's was their doctor for the duration of Eric's pregnancy. He was an older gentlemen and very kind. And, making house calls was his specialty.
When Dr. Phillips arrived Eric was in bed.
"How we doing today?" Asked Dr. Phillips, getting out his things.
"He's in pain. And we think the baby may be in danger."
"Well let's stop the contractions shall we?" Said Dr. Phillips, taking out a syringe full of clear liquid. It made Eric cringe.
"It's alright. It's only a little poke." He said giving Eric the shot. He jumped a little.
"Sorry. Didn't mean to hurt you."
"It's okay." Said Eric.
A few minutes passed and the contractions stopped.
"Let's have a listen shall we?" Dr. Phillips listened to Eric's stomach and found the baby's heartbeat.
"Hm..." He said listening closely.
"What?! What's wrong?!" Asked Eric, concerned.
"Oh nothing's wrong. But its quite interesting."
"What is?" Dr. Phillips smiled.
"There are two heartbeats." Eric and Scott were stunned.
"Oh my God Eric! Twins!" Said Emily, Excited.
"That's right my dear!" Said Dr. Phillips.
"You're going to have two babies!" Said Emily, smiling wildly. She jumped up and down and clapped her hands in excitement.
"I'll never figure out humans." Stated Eric.
"Me neither." Said Scott smiling.
"I'm so excited!!!" Said Emily.
"I'm excited for you both." Said Dr. Phillips.
"Thank you Doc." Said Scott.
"You're welcome. If anything happens please let me know."
"Will do."
"You be careful not to work yourself too much Eric. Okay?"
"Yes doc. Thank you."
© Elizabeth Harris