

wanted dead or alive (legendary version)
Chapter 1
The commited of a crime

The setting is in Tuesday, 10, 1897 1:00 a.m in West Virginia at the ye bar the bartender was serving a man named Welland longhorn a man in custody of a crime commited of a death of a women named tree bush she was from a Indian tribe called watay in witch the victim was tending to a sick family member then next murdered on America soil witch blood was spilled over the soil where the body layed at. The Judge said: Welland longhorn I hereby declare that the victim was murdered on sight and hereby to sentence 12 years in prison and serve in your years of 12 years of mining prison camp. Do you have any last words? Welland longhorn said nothing so Welland longhorn has been transported by the Railroad to the Mine prison camp call Days of hell. Welland longhorn has been escorted to his stench of hell cell and ravens a prison clothing and a old blanket who knows from when. The dinner bell rang for all the prisoners to eat and then resume to work after the prisoners ate.

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(legendary version)