

what hides behind these walls
The mirror loomed over them as they traversed the hallways of the abandoned mansion. It was rumoured that no one came out alive from it...I was alone beacuse they wanted to split up which I thought was a bad idea I heard stories about the haunted mansion and all I'll say it's not something you want to do alone and here I am alone beacuse my friends told me to stop being a wimp they said we could go in 2s to make the wimp feel better I told them no I'll go alone and now I'm walking the halls of a haunted mansion close to midnight I might ADD......The mansion was very old and has the smell of death and very dusty my nose is going crazy but I keep going until I end up at a door that looks like it could fall off if you even blew on it I went to turn around and when I did I heard the door cracking open it was very errie the hairs on the back of my neck was standing up every bone in my body was screaming to run but instead I turn around slowly to a dark hole where the door is suppose to be.It sounded like there were voices whispering I walk closer felt like forever until I got to the door my legs are like Jello I was so scared I could hear my heart beat in my ears felt like my heart was gonna pound out of my chest.I tried to call my breathing I took a deep breathe and walked through the doorway it was pitch black I was feeling around for a wall when I found it I stuck to it like I was glued to it and walked slowly the wall stopped after a about 3 minutes I put my hand in the air and found a light pull.I pulled the light and it came on slow and the light was dull hard to see but it will do I have my phone just in case.The room was very big the walls were peeling you can see layers of dust everywhere and the smell was like damp dirt that's cold to the touch the smell was an earthly smell looked like someone's room but they been using it for storage for quit some time so I continued to look around until I seen a music box on the dresser in the corner of the room that happened to be the darkest I picked it up it had some weight to it,it had a silver color to it,it also had some age like some little rust spots looked like it has been dropped once or twice.I opened the box and on the mirror was a women and a little girl who looked no older then 8 or 9 and the women looked to be In her early 30s there outfits looked really old like 1800s old.There was ballerina that when you crank the little lever she spins and theres music so I cranked it a few times I was watching the ballerina and out of nowhere there was a little girls face in the mirror she was grayish pale her eyes were sunk in they were blueish black her eyes held no soul she had no expression then she was gone.I whipped around there was nothing there so I turned my attention back to the music box and cranked it again and she appeared again and this time I felt the air change its like you can almost see your breathe and I felt a hand on my shoulder I turned around again nothing.I turned back around and I came face to face with the little in the picture she opened her mouth and nothing but a horrid scream came out I ran out the door but I tripped and smacked my head off the wall I opened my eyes my head hurt like someone was hitting me with a hammer I felt something wet run down the side of my face I touched it with my fingers I winced I pulled my hand away and there was blood on my fingers. I didn't care I needed to get the hell out of this place.Im running down every hallway i see to find the way out of here but it feels like I'm going in circles every door I went through feels like I already went through it was like never ending.I went in circles for hours I was tired, beat,worn out.I gave up I slide down the wall put my head in my hands and sobbed there was no way out and now I'm gonna be stuck in this mansion forever and I'm probably gonna become an angry spirit just like that little girls spirit.