

A Chance
You woke up feeling great. Your neighbours’ loud dogs weren’t barking and you don’t hear the kids fighting over toys. You proceed to follow your morning routine as usual and go to work. What do you think happened? Create something extraordinary as a story..
There were some men talking inside. Sometimes they shouted loudly ,loud enough to be heard by the neighbourhood. Some kids in the neighbouring house played hide and seek,while some dogs barked loudly at the passersby. The master of the house left early that day. Eveything seemrd usuel as everyone followed their normal routine.
The following day too the same went on as usual.A week later, one monday, there was none at home, even those men who came to have a loud chat, so the place looked so quiet with no dogs seen around barking and the kids too were not there. What happened to them ? Why were they silent ?
Who stopped them all at once ?
A closer look into the premise revealed that the kids had gone for some extra classes but, the dogs were not seen.
The whole place seemed silent even under broad day light,so even a quick secret intrusion could have occured without any trouble from the neighbourhood.
Exactly at noon, two men were seen walking around. They carried nothing, but were watching around so eagerly and one of them gave a signal to another who he thought to have been somewhere behind. Then a man of about thirty came out from the hiding. He quickened his phase and entered that house which they had chosen for the task.He broke open the back door and went inside . He searched everywhere, threw the things over the floor,being no success, he went near a cupboard in the middle of the room, which looked old ,opened it without any trouble and gave a little examination over the things which were spread there and among the things,he could see something glittering ,so he untidied everything there in a moment ,for his surprise he saw a dazzling beauty among those titbits. He grabbed it like a tiger who snatched his prey after a long weary effort. It was a beautiful ,astonishing and a big gold necklace.
He then turned towards the room to find more things that he could steal.A man at the door said, be quick, someone is coming ', In here he asked.
Mm.... no not here, be quick, we can't stay long. He tried to open the wardrobe which he did and got some money from the drawer and other jewelleries from there before he joined the other man at the door. They put all that they stole into a bag and left without closing the door behind.
The inmates, father, mother and their Son came home in the evening after work to find that their house was robbed by some thieves.
They soon informed the police about the theft. They arrived instantly and made an inquiry. When the police was seen around some neighbours visited them to know what happened. When they were asked about their dogs who often barked, whenever they saw sometining on the road, they said that both their dogs had been sleeping all that while and when they woke up it was almost late dusk. They said that the two had had a good sleep .They further explained that they had no idea how it happened.
It was a difficult task to trace the culprits sometimes it could be those they knew. Several years later, a new family joined their neighbrhood ,they bought the new house nearby and they came to live with them. They were believed to have come from a mountaineous area. There are many things in life that we never know ,even if we make an effort to discover, it would perhaps seem more dangerous or troublesome ,leaving us to think wisely in order to live a stress free and a peaceful life.