

Me and my stray kittens
It was a beautiful Christmas Eve when I heard her cry. No one but my sweet and pretty little cat Mittu. It was exactly 10 years ago, in the year 2013. I was only 7 years old. I don't really know what type of cat she was but she had different coloured patterns which is just beautiful. Someone might have dropped her here from a car because people have a tendency to get rid of kittens in other people's area when they are tired of them.

We thought she might have left our place that day itself but the next day we found her in our car poarch which is why I call her Santa's gift. Well she seemed hungry so my family and I decided to give her some food and let her go wherever she wants. But she never left and stayed with us. The most astonishing thing about Mittu is her tail which is beautiful and furry. Mittu was not like our pet. We just gave food and shelter to lost cats that came to our house and she was not the first one that came this way. But later she became our heart.

We don't gave her cat food, we gave her biscuits and milk and such kind of things. Cupcakes were her favorite and we used to buy them just for her. So basically we are kind of vegetarians so our cats doesn't get to eat any non veg. But when we do buy non veg we never forget to gave some to her too and those were the best days of her life. Later on she got pregnant a couple of times and one of her kittens Kathu( I call her Katherine sometimes ) was my everything. She actually had a twin Muthu but he sadly passed away when they were little. Kathu was too young to realise that her brother died and I saw her lying next to his dead body like she used to. That sight broke my heart.

Kathu was very much different from Mittu. Mittu always liked to wander through the entire village and go to other people's house and most of the people in our village knows her. But when it comes to Kathu she always stayed at our house. She rarely goes out and she was my grandmother's favourite. One of the wonderful memory that I had with Kathu is that when I was in 7th or 8th standard I used to come home by school bus. Everyday when the school bus stops at my house I saw her running to me from far away and came next to me, get some pets and get her favourite Arrowroot biscuit from me. I feel like she loves me so much. Kathu's lunch was just human like. She will eat nothing other than some rice mixed with ghee (solidified form of butter). If it is anything other than that she will smell it and don't bother to eat it. Kathu later had two kittens Alejandro (Alu) and Fulgencio (Fulu). I love to name them extraordinary names. They were just two crazy cats that just do whatever they like. Around this time Mittu got old and passed away which was heartbreaking for all of us because she was a part of our family for over a long time.

Later Kathu had one more baby, we call her Mumu. Mumu is just mischievous and she is not like any of the cats that I have taken care of. While all other cats had short fur she had long fur, her tail is furrier than Mittu's and her face also looked different. Well I call her an anteater because her favorite food was ants. Whenever she see any insects on the floor she wants to eat it especially, ants. Mumu loved her sisters. I feel like Mumu is a bit religious lol. Whenever we light the lamp at dusk for praying, she comes in sits there for a while and leaves. One day I even saw her put her two little paws on the pedestal on which we place Krishna ji. I feel like she is having some serious conversation with God. Whatever.

My stray kittens gave me nice memories of childhood and I wonder why these cats are so good. I just enjoy feeding them, taking care of them and feels a deep sense of satisfaction when I spend time with them. Wish I could write more about them, right now I am stopping here. Meow.


© Aryananda