

8. Company
Mia's P.O.V

It has been two weeks since I had that weird ass conversation with Flynn and I have been avoiding him since that and I must say I haven't seen Dimitri.

I should go get breakfast. I'm hungry and I'm going for breakfast on my way to the kitchen I met up with William.

"Where are you going Mia?"

"To the kitchen"

"Dress like that?"he asked

I don't find anything wrong with my clothes. I'm wearing a neon pink tank top and gray leggings. I think what I'm wearing is appropriate.

I ignored him and went to the kitchen anyway. When I arrived at the kitchen Flynn and Devin were there. Now I regret coming to the kitchen. The most annoying people I know are here and I know Devin won't let me be Flynn might ignore me. I hope he does.

"Hello beautiful" said Devin with a sweet smile on his face. He's up to something that smiles tells me he's up to something.

"Hello Devin," I said nicely.

"So no hello for me,"said Flynn.

Flynn was looking quite good today he had on a white t shirt, gray jeans and his blonde hair laid in a messy curly way on his head and his beautiful ice blue eyes stood out and he had a boyish grin on his face I must say he's handsome like to handsome like if I saw him back in the human world before I know anything about the supernatural world I would have thought he's a vampire or something because he's so handsome but still I have no feelings for him. I only see him as a friend.

"Hello Flynn"

"I don't want it anymore," he said jokingly.

"Oh hush so I heard you guys are going out tonight I guess Will would be staying home with me again. I hate it that he has to miss out on fun time with you guys all because I don't want to go and he doesn't want to leave me all alone"

"Oh Mia it's not your fault I would see if I can get a friend of mine to come keep you company" said Flynn.

"No thank you, I would rather stay alone"I kindly decline.

"Ok your lost"

"Who would you invite over to be my company?" I asked.

"My sister Elizabeth," He answered.

"Is she nice?"

"She's nicer than me"

"Ok invite her over"

"I would give her a call and see if she's up for it"

I sat at the table, ate some cereal and milk and had a. Little chat with Devin and Flynn.

"So when would Donte be returning to the vampire kingdom?" I asked.

"Next week I think," Devin answered.

"Oh ok I miss him so much" I said with a sad expression.

"Do you love my brother?" Devin asked.

"Yes of course that's a silly question" I said with a big smile on my face.

"Oh that's nice" Devin said.

"Yeah he's my best friend" I said with a smile.

"Oh lovely"said Devin with a smile on his face.

I got up from the table and went for a walk in the garden on my way there. I met up with a girl with long thick african hair like mine. She gave me a small smile and went on her way and I stopped her.

"Hey stop" I said

"Yes," she answered.

"What's your name?" I asked.

"Elizabeth Flynn and Dimitri's adopted sister. I guess you're Mia right" she asked.

"Yeah I am" I answered.

"Oh ok well I guess I should stay and hang out with you then that's if you don't mind"

"Of course I don't mind"

"You seem nice Mia, " she said.

"Oh thanks, I try to be,"I said jokingly.

"So Mia, what do you want to do later when the boys are out?" she asked.

"I don't know," I answered.

"Ok how about a movie with pizza,cookies and snacks?" she asked.

"Yes, that song's awesome" I answered.

We spend the rest of the day chatting in the garden we talked about her childhood growing up with Flynn and Dimitri and their five other brothers she told me that she is actually their cousin that her parents disappear a long time ago when she was seven and they never return and how Flynn, Dimitri, Luca, Evin,Benjamin,Ezra and Dominic. Used to try everyday to cheer her up and eventually she was happy and she didn't care that her parents left her behind. I must admit when she told me that Flynn and Dimitri had other brothers I freaked out and I even asked her why Flynn is the Demon king and not one of the others she explained that he is the oldest and the rest didn't want the responsibility.

It is now 11 pm and we are setting up for our movie night. The guys are getting ready to go out. I wonder where they go every night. Will seems extremely happy that he's getting to attend tonight.

"I wonder where they go,"I asked as I looked for a movie to watch.

"Oh to the strip club" she replied whilst eating popcorn.

"Oh I see"

"Yeah they all are perverts"she said jokingly.

"Men would be men," I said.

I end up finding a good TV show that's based on a girl who lost her virginity to her boy best friend and now she thinks she's pregnant and she doesn't want to tell the guy because he won't want it at least that's what she thinks. I think he would want it. He's filthy rich and he's also an angel so I. Don't know why she thinks he won't want the baby.

"These fucking kids need to take a chill pill" said Elizabeth.

"I swear when I was that age sex didn't bother me hell I'm still a virgin" I said.

"Hell girl me fucking to" said Elizabeth.

"I like you," I said.

"Girl, I like you too and I don't like people," said Elizabeth.

"How old are you Elizabeth?" I asked.

"I'm the same age as you," she said.

"You know I'm 20 right"

"Yes Mia I'm young I'm not as old as my brothers"

"Oh ok"

"I think Susan is a bitch why is she trying to get between them like she's pregnant for him?" Elizabeth said

"I don't like that bitch Susan one bit I think we should stop watch this show" I said

"Yeah I think we should wanna go wander around the castle?" Elizabeth asked.

"Yes let's go"

We both got up we cleaned the den and we went on our little adventure around the castle she took me to her room she showed me pictures of her brothers and I must say they all are fucking handsome thy are unnaturally handsome they have a slight resemblance but not to much.

We then went to Devins room. I didn't want to go snooping but I must admit I was curious. I took a look around and it was dark and mysterious. His room has a black and dark red interior and I like it. Elizabeth is going through his draws. I told her not to but she doesn't listen.

"Look at what I found," Elizabeth says while waving a camera in the air.

She came over to where I was and took me by the hand and pulled me over to Devins bed. We both sat down and turned on the camera.

We clicked a picture of Devin shirtless and it was ok he looks super hot . We then clicked on this video. It was disgusting. I can't believe we oh yuck why did we go through his camera in the first place oh yuck.

Elizabeth quickly exited and put it back to where it was then we went out of his room she then took me to. Dimitri's room and memories of that day flow through my head it's been weird between us since that day I walked In on him masterbating and calling my name it was so weird and to top it off he looked me in the eyes when I walked in and he winked at me and continued I ran out that room so fast I have been avoiding him ever since now I'm back in his room.

"Look Mia, it's a letter from your dad to Dimitri," said Elizabeth.

We sat on the bed to read it but then I heard footsteps. Look at Elizabeth and she look at me she went in the closet and I look at her like she's dumb and then I use my teleportation power and it didn't work and then I try running to the closet but it was to late he saw me but luckily he didn't see Elizabeth at least one of us got a way.

He looked at me puzzled and I looked at him in shock. I swear I'm so scared right now.

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